Try Again

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After another day spent in Rome filled with mostly sightseeing and Eren taking you everywhere he could, you returned back to New York via Eren's jet the next day. On the plane, he told you that his mother moved the date of the event to today since you two were already coming back and you took an early morning flight.

Eren returned to business once you arrived back home, you weren't bothered by it. You were upstairs standing in the bathroom after a shower, Eren had a dress arranged for you sitting on the bed and you took a liking to it. You slipped it on and adjusted your engagement ring and wedding band on your finger. You found yourself spending at least five minutes every day just staring at them, these rings were what you held onto when you were kidnapped. These rings meant more to you than Eren would ever know, they kept your sanity when you needed it most.

You finished getting dressed, slipping on a plain pair of heels from a box you found on the bed too. To this day you still have no idea how Eren knew your size in everything, the dress fit you like a glove, and the heels fit perfectly too.

 To this day you still have no idea how Eren knew your size in everything, the dress fit you like a glove, and the heels fit perfectly too

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You'd covered up a bite mark from Eren on your shoulder and neck with makeup, it seemed you always had something important to do after having sex with Eren. You put your normal perfume on, a light vanilla scent.

You finished in the bathroom and walked out to the bedroom. When you did, you saw Eren standing at the door and he was already looking at you before you even noticed him. It was a black tie event, his suit was completely black along with the watch on his wrist, he observed you for a moment before he actually said anything.

"What's wrong?" You questioned when a minute passed and he didn't say anything.

"Come here." He demands, his expression is serious but his voice is as calm as still water.

"No." You deny and shock meets his face but then it turns into an amusement.

"Why not?"

"You look like you're up to something I don't want to be a part of." You said and kept your heels standing grounded where you were.

"Smart girl." He mentions and you turn back around to the dresser, you had some earrings gifted to you by Carla which were a part of all your wedding gifts.

You didn't even know you'd be getting any gifts but on the flight back Eren asked you why you hadn't opened any and you told him you didn't know you had any. After you landed he took you to a room that was filled with gifts completely untouched and you said you wanted to open them with him after this event you were going to but you did open this one from Carla.

You put the earrings in, they were gold flower earrings shaped like begonias. You leaned forward to look at yourself putting in the earrings into the handheld mirror that sat on the dresser, after you put the second earring in you could feel Eren up behind you.

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