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"Shit y/n...are you okay??" Mikasa asked urgently and stood in the doorway of her bathroom looking at you.

"I'm fine. I know there's a lot of blood but it doesn't hurt that bad," you sniffed once more while cleaning up the blood on your face from your nose.

"Don't worry, I'll clean up your bathroom before I leave." You reassured before tossing a bloody tissue into the trash.

"You're leaving? You can't! You can stay here y/n—"

"I told you I don't want you to get involved. I'm not staying here," You shook your head and started wiping up the counter and running the water to wash down the sink.


"This isn't up for debate Mikasa. Whoever these men are, aren't taking the fact that I saw them lightly. I can handle myself and I'll update you in the morning, okay?" You express to her again and try to finish cleaning up as quickly as possible.

You crouched down and opened the bottom cabinet connecting to the sink, you reached your arm to the back and pulled out the gun you had stored there.

"There's a gun in my bathroom?!" She gasped when she saw you grab the clip right after that you shoved it into your pocket.

"Don't worry, it wasn't loaded." You shrug and tuck the gun to your hip.

"Text you tomorrow." You pick up your duffel bag off the floor and turn the bathroom light on your way out, You turn down the hall and you can feel Mikasa's worries as you walk away.

"Be careful y/n..." she mumbles when you walk out her front door and close it right after yourself.

You walk out into the cold air and dark atmosphere, heading down the pathway from her front door to the dark driveway. You watch your surroundings as you walk to the car you stole from earlier, you planned on ditching it soon because you imagined it had been reported as stolen already. You put some gas in it on your way over too, you unlocked the car and hopped in.


"Is cash okay?"  You inquired before the lobbyist nodded, you pulled some cash out of your wallet to pay for the hotel room.

Meanwhile, your duffel bag with your money in it was in a suitcase you were dragging alongside, while you would've preferred to just carry the bag around, that looked too suspicious.

The key card was handed to you so you walked over to the elevator and stepped inside. Giving yourself time to come up with some sort of plan was all you could do.

First, you needed to know if they knew who you were, was this some kind of planned-out attack? If they knew who you were then it was best to assume they weren't targeting you just because you saw Eren and that this was personal.

The doors opened on the fifth floor, you stepped out with your suitcase and dragged it alongside you on your way to the room. There was this gut feeling you had saying this wasn't personal...but then again that could of just been what you wanted to believe.

Because if it was personal.

That meant your father was the one making it personal...and if he was responsible, then the rules had just changed.

Changed as if this had become a life or death situation...your life had been threatened twice now and this most recent time he actually got close to doing it.

You wouldn't let that happen again...whoever it was who was behind all this.

The light on your door flashed green, you turned the handle and entered with the only intention behind getting this room was to leave your suitcase there safely.

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