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You've been lying next to Eren for hours now. The doctors took longer than you expected to stabilize him but they said he wasn't breathing when he was brought to the bedroom...but now he was and it was just a matter of time before he woke up.

You put his arm over you and put your head on his chest and your hand on the other side of his chest. The room was dark, it was around two in the morning and you couldn't sleep, not like this.

Out of nowhere, you feel a weak squeeze on your arm. You look up and see Eren with his eyes barely open and he's looking down at you on him, if he wasn't injured you probably would have jumped on him.

"You're okay..." he whispers, happier to see you alive than himself.

"I should be the one saying that." You breathe.

There was a glass of scotch sitting on the nightstand, one that Connie brought for some reason. Eren looks over and grabs it like he's going to drink it but then he looks at you and pauses.

"I don't drink. I'm just smelling it." He lies and sets the drink down when he notices you looking.

"I have to ask you something." You picked your head up off his chest and sat next to him.

He raises a brow and waits for your question.

"Your father...he said something about your connection with my father and the way he made it sound, it wasn't good." You informed, Eren's expression softened and he sighed.

"I don't remember...I can't seem to remember anything more about when your father came to me or anything else during that time period." He confesses and you just glance down at your lap before putting your head back on his chest.

"It's okay. Maybe it'll come back to you," you say to try and lighten the dimmed mood, you scoot up closer to him and adjust his arm so he's holding you a little tighter.

"You shouldn't have given me your wouldn't have been stabbed if—"

"I won't let him take you from me and if that means getting stabbed a hundred times more, I'm fine with that." He cuts off and you can hear his voice trailing off, you know you should let him sleep but you get this jittery feeling in your stomach that makes you want to kiss him.


"It's at seven. Is that enough time for you?" Eren asks from inside the closet.

"Yes, but I was told by the doctors that you're supposed to be taking it easy."

"A little social gathering my mother is throwing won't kill me." You can't see him but you know that he's shrugging it off.

He clearly wasn't changing his mind, honestly, you were more scared to go to this event his mother was throwing because you thought that meant his father would be there.

You didn't mention that though, if Eren wasn't worried about it then you figured you shouldn't be either. There was a black dress laid out on the bed, it was long with a sweetheart neckline and sleeves that were off the shoulder, you grabbed it and walked into the bathroom to change.

Seven o'clock was an hour and a half away, you undressed and put the dress on. You were kind of shocked Eren knew your size, you didn't have any dresses like this in your closet so you got curious about how he knew your size. The sleeves came all the way down to the knuckles of your hand, you actually thought it was pretty.

You left the bathroom to figure out what heels you'd wear. You walked over to the closet and when you entered, Eren turned around with an unbuttoned white shirt, a tie hanging over his neck, black slacks with a belt he was sliding on. You traced your eyes up his unbuttoned shirt, looking over every ab you could see through the gap in his shirt.

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