Everything and More

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You stayed in this room from night to the evening, it was the next day and you had yet to come out of the room. It's been raining since night, there was a bathroom attached to the bedroom so you showered and changed into whatever clothes were in the room.

But still, you never left the room.

You had nothing to say to Eren, not anything worth arguing about because whatever you said he would just reply with silence and it irritated you beyond expression. All the windows in the bedroom were locked, there was some kind of electronic device over the locks so you couldn't get them open.


I've debated going in there, just barging in and getting her to talk to me. But I didn't. She was rightfully upset with me and what I could do about it, I didn't think that I should.

I'd been standing outside her door for hours at this point, a million things I could say but I'd decided on none of them. I was supposed to have called for a meeting hours ago, but instead, I was standing outside her door in an all-black suit and a tie that grew tighter by the second.

Something about her was different, her attitude, her demeanor, and her voice. It was all different and it concerned me.

I gave in. I pulled out a key to the doors in the house and I unlocked the door, I already knew she'd locked it without even checking. I opened the door and saw her standing up staring out the window by the bed.

Her back was facing me, nothing in the room looked out of place and the bed looked untouched. It was as if she didn't sleep last night...she didn't turn around but kept her focus on looking out the window instead.

I could have said something to her—hell, I should have said something. Anything would have been better than what I did. What could I possibly say to her when I won't even tell her the truth?

I reached for the door and I shut it again, without uttering a word to her.



Eventually, you were forced to leave the room because you hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. You were still just as stubborn though, you waited until night to leave your bedroom.

The only light on was in the foyer, you walked down the steps as quietly as you could. When you reached the last step, other lights were on downstairs but you didn't hear anybody so you just went with it and made your way to the kitchen.

The last time you were here, you had some snacks stored in the pantry and you were confident they'd still be there. You open the door to the pantry and turn the light on before you spot your bag of chips sitting on the shelf. You grab it and walk out of the pantry, when you close the door and shut the light off, you're caught by surprise.

"Shit!" You gasped when Connie appeared behind the door and you closed it all the way.

"What the hell are you doing lurking in the shadows like that??" Your brows furrowed with the chips in your hand and he didn't even look fazed.

"He didn't know." Connie blurts and completely disregards the fact that he scared the hell out of you.


"Eren. Didn't. Know."

"And if he won't tell you, then I will. After Eren killed your father, Grisha did something to Eren so fucked up—don't ask me "what" because I don't know but I do know that he experienced dissociative amnesia because of it. He hasn't been lying to you this entire time, he didn't remember what he did until Grisha reminded him of it. He reminded him so that it would separate the two of you." Connie confesses all at once and you're just left standing there holding a bag of chips staring back at him.

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