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You come out of the bathroom to new sheets on the bed and comforter, your legs are aching for you to lay down so you do. Eren was coming out of the closet putting a shirt on as you got into bed and you practically hid from him. You turned over so you weren't facing him anymore and you pulled the cover up over your shoulder.

You scoot over all the way to the end of the bed, Eren lays down as well and you can already feel him looking at you.

"What are you doing?" He asks when he sees how far away you are from him but in all honesty, you didn't know what to do with yourself.

"Are you mad about your leggings?" He asks, you turn your head with furrowed brows and look over your shoulder at him.


"Your leggings. I ripped them but I'll buy you new ones." He says and you weren't even thinking about the leggings but he clearly thought you were.

"I'm not mad about the leggings. I'm not mad at all."

"Then what are you doing?" His arm reaches over and he grabs you by your waist then drags you all the way across the bed to him.

He holds you close to his body, and you're nervous he wants to go again but that's not what happens at all. He strokes your cheek with his thumb in silence, complete and utter silence.

"I was your first kiss...that's what Mikasa was talking about." He addresses calmly and your face gets all hot even though you don't mean for it to.

"Are you going to tell her that we had sex?" He tilts his head in curiosity and you cringe at his straightforwardness.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I like to know what my wife talks about when I'm not around." He answers flatly, you hold your breath and he keeps stroking your cheek with his thumb.

His questions and responses catch you off guard, almost as off guard as the knock on the door.

"Uh...Eren?" Connie calls out from behind the door and Eren sighs dramatically and just doesn't answer him for a minute, he looks at you and thinks while gazing at you.

"If the next words out your mouth aren't important, I will shoot both your kneecaps." He says to Connie and gets up out of bed.

You see Connie peek into the room curiously but he doesn't see your face, just the shape of your body under the sheets and his eyes nearly pop out of his head.

"I know your personal life is none of my business but I don't think your mother raised you to be a cheater. Does y/n know you're with a woman in here?!" Connie snaps at Eren.

Eren doesn't even say anything, he shoves Connie's head back out the room and steps out into the hall with him but you can still hear them. A part of you was glad Eren didn't just push the door all the way open and let Connie see you in here...while you may not have shown it, this moment felt sacred to you.

"I need a nap. I'm not doing jackshit until I get to nap." Eren scoffs and enters the bedroom again, he locks the door after himself and gets back into bed with you.


I quickly understood why she was acting "strange", she'd never done this before. Her back is turned to me and I bring myself up behind her. I don't leave any room between us, her ass is pressed against my lap and I can't say I hate the feeling.

"Well?" I whispered into her ear from behind.

"Well, what?" She sighs, she's tense and it's obvious.

"How was I? Was that a memorable first time?" I ask her and she elbows me hard, I'm not sure whether to take that as a "yes" or "no."

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