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You're pushing past the pain and running through the woods, taking breaths still hurt more than you can imagine but you try not to think about it. You kept looking back as you ran to the woods, making sure Eren wasn't biting off more than he could chew and he wasn't.

He said he would find you and you believe that.

You're not sure where you're supposed to go but all you know is that you can't go back. You can only move forward so that's what you do. The cold air brushed against your skin, the wind picking up and thrashing your hair as you ran. It's starting to get dark, you have to find some form of shelter or at least find Eren before it gets pitch black out.

Your shirt is ripped, your jeans have tears in them and pitch black in the woods in this outfit isn't exactly going to last in the cold. You finally stop, you're surrounded by trees and fallen leaves, a couple of fallen decaying trees too. Out in the distance you spot something, something small but it feels promising so you approach this "thing".

You're panting heavily, you can see your breath in the air from how cold it's getting. The sun is starting to set and after ten minutes of walking towards this "thing", you find yourself in front of a cabin.

All the lights are off, the door is closed and it's a very small cabin. This was your best option so you took a risk and peeked in through the window, nobody was inside. You walked around the cabin and checked all the other windows and you still saw nobody.

If you didn't go inside now, you were sure to freeze to death. You approach the front door and you open it, it's unlocked so you clutch your knife and walk inside, you lock it after yourself.

You search for a light switch and when you find it, you flick it on and you're now standing in the very small living room. Wooden floors, a brick fireplace in front of you, and a red couch to your right. To the left, there is a key holder with no keys.

You keep walking, there's a small archway to a hallway. Further to your left there's a door, you push it open and see a kitchen, two counters, a stove, and a fridge and that's all. There's some shelving along the wall but that's it, still wooden floors and wooden walls all throughout the house.

You step through the archway and turn on the hallway light, there are two doors. One to your left and one to your right, you knew they were the bathroom and bedroom from when you checked the windows.

You walk to the left and push open the bathroom door. You need a shower badly, after not showering since you were with Eren and jumping off the third floor into a pile of trash bags, you needed this more than anything.

You stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind yourself. You wanted to feel water against your skin, washing away everything you've been dealing with but there was a problem.

When you reached the bottom of your shirt and tried to pull it up, you couldn't pull your arms up high enough to take the shirt off. You groaned in pain, the left side of your upper body was burning with pain, from the one less rib apart of your ribcage, the new scars Reiner made on top of your old couldn't do it. It physically hurt too much to take your own shirt off.

For whatever reason, this was a breaking point for you.

You started sobbing hysterically, sobbing from the physical pain, sobbing from the mental pain, all the pain you could think of just came out of you in these tears of yours. You broke down completely, you couldn't breathe, you couldn't think straight.

You're pulling at the bottom of your shirt, yanking it down because you just want it off of you. You want these clothes off, you want your wounds gone and you need that to happen with a snap of your fingers but that's not possible.

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