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Two weeks went by extremely fast. Eren was busy healing, Connie wasn't talking to you so the only person you talked to was Eren. He was on bedrest anyway but he pretty much ignored that unless he got to talk to you.

He made you promise not to tell his mother about anything, you wanted to ask why... and how did she not know what his father was doing and has been doing to him but you didn't.

Since the two weeks were up and Eren was healing up well, he was back to his normal schedule and no longer confined to the bed. None of his men mentioned anything, Jean was walking around perfectly fine without his crutches but he avoided you every time he saw you. You couldn't blame him, you didn't try to talk to him or anything anyway.

You were stepping out of the shower and you grabbed a towel, getting ready for the day. You dried off and changed into your clothes before brushing your teeth. Every day, Eren reminded you at least once of how stupid it was for you to save him. He went right back to his normal routine but you didn't mind, you at least knew what he was doing.

After finishing up, you went downstairs to get something to eat. You heard people talking in the kitchen but you didn't think too much of it. You enter the kitchen and find that Eren and his dad are having a conversation at the table, Connie, Armin, and Jean are all there too and they glance at you when you enter.

You ignored it and went to the pantry to grab some cereal and the fridge for some milk. You grabbed a bowl and put your cereal in the milk, as you grabbed a spoon you could feel someone staring at you. You look over your shoulder and see Eren's father looking dead at you, you imagined he was pretty pissed about what you did but he hadn't said anything to you.

You need you'd be paying a price for what you did, you knew that the second you decided to get Eren...you just didn't know when. You took your bowl of cereal and you started walking to leave.

"You can sit here," Eren announces just before you're about to walk through the archway out.

You turn your head and there's a seat right next to him, you'd be sitting in between him and Connie. You want to turn around and say no but Eren looked like he wanted you to sit there, like sitting there might have been important. You walk over slowly and sit in between them, you don't look at his father at all and Jean doesn't even look at you despite you sitting across from him.

You start eating and their conversation about work continues, Eren isn't phased by seeing his father again but you can imagine this has happened to him more times than he can count. You feel out of place like you shouldn't be here.

"You're lack of a backbone could have cost her her life." Eren accuses and you look up from your bowl of cereal at Eren.

"She was ripping out her stitches until I answered her. You gave me an order to protect her and that's what I did."

"Putting her life at more of a risk over a few stitches is what you call "protection"?" Eren tilts his head and you roll your eyes, after two weeks you would have thought he would be over telling you how stupid you were.

You looked over at Eren, Connie hasn't said anything else and you don't blame him.  You stop eating and you glare at Eren then back at Connie who isn't looking at you either, everyone is staring at Eren except his father.

"Fuck you." You leave your spoon in the bowl and get out of your seat, walking away from the kitchen without another word.

You had nothing against Connie for not wanting to help Eren, he was a piece of shit even if he wasn't meaning to be. You went out id your way to help him because you wanted to, not because he asked you to.

"Leave." Eren orders to the others as you walk out of the kitchen quickly, you couldn't stand him and you were an idiot to think something might have changed between the two of you.

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