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The two of you ended up falling asleep together on that very couch and when you woke up again, you were in bed with Eren and he was still asleep right up behind you.

Even though you wanted to stay next to him, you were exhausted and your body ached more than it did before, so you ran yourself a hot bath and got in it as quietly as possible without waking Eren. You even found bath salts to put in the water, it reminded you that there was still so much about Eren you wanted to know.

You put yourself in the water and rested your head on the rim of the bathtub before closing your eyes. The water soothed the pain between your legs and the aches in your back, Eren was rough but you loved it so you didn't complain.

Despite the changes and growth you've made over the past few months, your scars were still something you hadn't grown to completely accept or embrace. Eren felt like the only person in the world who wasn't judging you but you still felt the need to cover up sometimes in fear that one day he would. It was an irrational fear, you knew that.

To your surprise, you hear the sounds of water moving and you open your eyes to find Eren sitting across from you in the bath. He reaches his arm out and pulls you toward him but turns you so your back is touching his chest and you're resting in between him.

"How are you able to get around so silently?" You ask and watch him put his arms on the sides of the bathtub while you wait for a reply.

"It's a part of my job. I've had years of practice," He answers and you rest your head on his chest in response.


Her arms are covering her body up again, she's being subtle about it but I still notice. I debate whether or not I should say anything about it because I'm beginning to hate it the more she does it.

"I have my men searching for the both of them." I confess and hope maybe talking will get her to relax a little more around me.

"Both?" She repeats with confusion.

"My father and Reiner." I confirmed and she turned her head around to look at me, she was waiting for a different expression than the one I gave her, pure calmness.

She turns her head back around, she doesn't know what to say and that's fine. I'm sure she was only expecting for me to go on a manhunt for Reiner but if I did, that would be beyond disrespectful to her. After everything, pushing her away, making her believe that I'd been lying to her this entire time, and convincing myself I couldn't protect her, I had to make it up to her.

"Something's wrong. What's up?" I addressed when she seemed to be holding herself a little tighter.

"Nothings wrong." She denied and if I hadn't known her better, I would of believe her because her voice sounded normal.

I stood up out of the water and grabbed the towel nearby to wrap around my waist. I turned around and leaned down to her level.

"Have your suitcase packed by tomorrow morning." I stated and stood back up straight before walking to the shower and turning it on.


"Why'd you get in just to get out?"

"I hate baths." He hung up the towel and stepped into the steaming hot shower.

You looked away after a minute of just watching him in the shower and you went back to focusing on your own relaxing bath while thinking about where exactly you were going.


You'd gotten out of the bath, it was closer to the middle of the day now and you were sitting on the couch by yourself. You had the TV on when out of nowhere you felt arms being wrapped around you lovingly, you turned your head around and saw Mikasa nearly squeezing the life out of you.

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