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He lets go of you, he glances down at the ground after speaking, and shakes his head before backing off you completely and leaving just as quickly as he game.

You gulped and locked the front door behind you before escaping upstairs. You rush to the bedroom that tonight you will have to share with him but you don't think about that right now. You rush into the bathroom and shut the door behind you wondering what the hell all of that was about.

You tried to pretend none of that happened, you went over to the sink and brushed your teeth to get ready for the sleep you so desperately longed for right now. After you finished, you turned the lights off and got into bed comfortably and quietly pulled the covers over your shoulder and forced your eyes shut.

Your mind was clear, you didn't think anything of anything and you wanted to keep it that way. You were asleep for about an hour before you heard Eren lay himself down next to you. You looked over your shoulder and saw his bare back in the bed next to you.

He didn't say anything to you either, he must've used a different bathroom to change and get ready for the night. His presence was cooling, seeing him with his back to you didn't make you as nervous as you thought it would. You turn your head back around and keep quiet, there was nothing you should have said anyway.


When you awoke the next morning, the sunshine was beaming on your face causing you to squint. You looked over and saw the bed was empty, Eren wasn't there. You got up and all you wanted was a shower, you had yet to really look through the clothes that were provided but in the closet, you found a short white linen sundress, a smocked waist so it was scrunched up at your waist, and a halter neckline for you to tie at the back of your neck. You thought it was perfect for the weather, given the fact that most of your regular clothes were dressed for colder weather.

After your shower, you changed into the dress with a basic pair of sandals and you headed downstairs for breakfast.

You walk down the marble steps and turn around the staircase down the foyer into the hall, you turn to the left and find an empty kitchen. There was nothing in the pantry or the fridge but you were starving so the next best option was to find Eren.

You searched the surrounding area, you even looked outside but you didn't find him. You kept walking to the other side of the villa and you passed by a door when you heard some sounds coming from behind the door. You stopped walking and opened the door to find Eren doing pull-ups in what had to be a workout room, he was sweating and grunting through his teeth with every pull-up on the bar.

You know you should have walked away but you couldn't, you were hungry.

"I'm hungry."

"Hi, hungry. I'm Eren." He mocks while doing another pull up and surprisingly, this was the only moment you thought you might actually kill him.

"That wasn't funny." Your face dropped and you didn't look even the slightest bit amused.

"There's a perfectly good kitchen if you're hungry."

"A kitchen with no food. I want food and there is a restaurant on this island I want to go to." You insist and he doesn't acknowledge you but just does five more pull-ups before dropping from the bar.

"I'm going to shower, then I'll take you." He walks past you to head upstairs, his hair care routine alone already seemed like a lot so you could only imagine how long his shower would take.

You went to go wait on the couch, while waiting you had a strange feeling that Eren wasn't in a good mood today so you looked down at your left hand. The engagement ring was a six-carat round brilliant cut diamond, silver with smaller diamonds all around the band. You noticed that when you tried to pull off the rings you couldn't, the wedding band was slightly smaller so that you could put it on but not take it off and it was currently blocking the engagement ring from being slid off.

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