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"You don't have any loyalties for anyone but yourself and I can't trust you. I won't trust you." You refused and looked away from him because you realized that it was his eyes that looked so trusting, but they weren't.

He had people sent to your house to kill you, he's kidnapped you, he's pinned you to the floor multiple times just to show you how weak you are against him, he had Jean following your every move for an entire month, your own personal stalker and here you were falling for whatever game he was playing.

He didn't say anything, not a word at all. He leans straight up and steps back, creating space between the two of you. There it was again, a space separating you both from each other.


Since last night you and Eren haven't talked, he's been in some other room on the phone since the morning. That is what you wanted, separation from him and you couldn't complain. You took yourself outside to relax on the white lounging chairs by the pool in your swimsuit.

You don't think you've ever worn a bikini as much as you did here, you only did because nobody else was around and the villa was enclosed. There was nobody around to be frightened by the scars or find disgust in them like you did.

"How are you doing?"  Mikasa asked over the phone and you looked around to make sure Eren wasn't just lingering nearby.

"I don't know."

"Well, what does that mean? Is he doing anything to you??" She asked urgently and you could hear her getting all riled up on the other end.

"Not really...that's the problem. He hasn't done anything and it's confusing me. He's supposed to be an asshole—he is an asshole!" You corrected and looked at the palm trees swaying as you spoke.

"Now I'm confused.

"He hasn't been an asshole while we've been here...he's been like...the opposite." You mumbled and tried to find the words to explain his behavior.

"So he's been nice to you?"

"I wouldn't go that far but he hasn't been terrible to me like usual but I know that he is one, he's a terrible person he just isn't acting like one right now." You expressed and nodded your head like it made sense to you.

"Maybe it's the honeymoon air, or he could just be trying to get in your pants so he's acting nice now." Mikasa explained to you but you just shook your head with a playful sigh.

"He's not trying to get in my pants Mikasa. I've told him twice that I'm not sleeping with him and he seems to understand that."

"Good. Your first time should not be with a murderer." She advised strictly, she sounded like a parent which made you laugh a little.

"I'm serious! You may be married but that doesn't mean he gets the right to sleep with you just because he's your husband. When you come back I'll have to find you a date!" She fantasizes happily and you sit up in the chair.

"I'm not interested in dating Mikasa and I'm sure any man you tried to set me up with would notice the rings on my ring finger, I can't take them off." You looked down at your hand and when you looked back up you saw Eren walking past you but overhearing what you said, caused him to stop in his tracks.

"I have to go Mikasa..." You hung up the phone after accidentally making eye contact with him.

He'd made it very clear to you how he felt about the idea of you and other men, you were expecting the worst from him but that's not what you got. He turns right back around and goes into the house without even a peep.

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