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"Oh, you're not talking to me now?"

Ignored. You walk up the stairs and feel hear him walking right behind you. You hadn't opened your mouth since leaving the warehouse and for some reason, he was hell-bent on getting you to talk to him.

"Do you want me to apologize for killing a man who disrespected me? Because I won't, so you can keep playing this silent game and get nothing out of it."

"You have no loyalties to anyone, you killed someone who works for you, not against you." You accused and continued up the steps.

"No loyalties?! I choked Connie because he touched you, I just killed a man because he had the balls to speak to you. I keep my end of our deal! So don't tell me that I have no loyalties when all my loyalty has been given to you!" He shouted from behind you and you reached the top step.

"Don't you dare say any of that was for me! That was for you! Whatever loyalty you think you're showing me, you're not! You owe your men loyalty and I might be your wife but I don't love you and I sure as hell don't fucking like you." You claim with your arms crossed over your chest and you finally face him on the top step.

"Yet despite our hate for each other, I've shown you nothing but loyalty. So who's really the one with no loyalties? Me or you?" He steps up on the top step and you take a step back, his stare was intimidating and you wouldn't have him pinning you again.

He reaches into his pocket and you're almost positive it's some kind of weapon. He grabs your hand aggressively and opens it, he puts a box in the dead center of your palm and walks away with nothing more to say to you. You open the box and see a ring in the center of it, you'd really lost all control of your emotions today because you don't know what you were thinking when you did what you did.

You close the box and launch it at Eren's back as he walks away from you.

"I don't want your stupid ring, you probably stole it from some woman you killed anyway!" You shouted at him and for the first time in these last few months, Eren froze.

He completely freezes. The box is on the floor next to him and you're breathing heavily by the top of the stairs. He turns around finally and picks the box up off the floor, he walks over to you as calmly as ever but that only makes you more scared of him.

He opens the box when he finds himself in front of you and he takes the ring out, he snatches your hand and slides the ring on your finger.

"I bought the ring myself. I did not steal it, you accuse me and consistently have no evidence to back your claims. Stop." He takes his hand off yours and closes the box back up, he speaks to you in a calm manner but it doesn't make you feel any better.

He looked hurt by what you said, it was the first time you'd ever seen him look any kind of hurt at all by your words.?

You wait until he disappears down the hall before you rush to the bedroom and lock yourself in the bathroom. You run a shower because even though the blood isn't on your shoulder anymore, you feel filthy. You feel so filthy and responsible that you cry, you cry about what you've gotten yourself involved in.

You cry about how you'd gotten Connie choked against a wall because Eren has some strange need to be possessive with you. You cry because for a month you had Jean following you everywhere and staying in your apartment and the moment you did something about it, it brought you here.

You hated crying, you haven't cried in months and the last time you cried wasn't over anything nearly as serious as this. You were in the shower for so long that steam became suffocating, your shoulder hurt from scrubbing it so much and you eventually had to force yourself to get out.

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