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The smell of musk and a heavy scent of smoke surrounded the room you found yourself in. The cold and dirty cement floor brushed against your back, and your eyes flickered open a few times before you eventually mustered up the energy to get up.

You were flat on your back and leaned up forward, sitting on the floor and looking around the dark and empty room. You had absolutely no idea where you were but what you did know is that you'd been hit in the head.

Your forehead was bleeding, you brushed the back of your hand over your forehead and saw smeared blood from the wound on your head on your hand.

"Shit..." you mumble under your breath, your head was pounding like crazy all while your wound was stinging.

You got yourself up off the floor slowly, looking around and trying to remember what happened before you got here. Eren's face immediately flashed in your mind, and you started looking around the room in more of a panic once you remembered what happened.

There seemed to be nothing in the room aside from a door, not even a window...and the cement floors led you to believe that you were in the basement. You had to get it somehow, you reached to your hip and found that they had taken your gun. With no weapons you could utilize, all you had left was physical strength to get you out...but even then, you had bled a lot from the head wound and felt quite lightheaded.

You practically dragged yourself over to the door that you were only able to find because of the light peeking from underneath it. You ran your hand over the door until you found the locked doorknob, you memorized where it was before taking a few steps back.

You threw your leg into the wooden door, as hard as you could. Nothing.

You did it again, and again, and again.


Suddenly you were barely standing up and panting like a dog, you couldn't give refused to.

You shoved your foot into the door once more with everything left you had inside you and the metal doorknob fell right to the floor. It rang as soon as it impacted with the cement floor but you didn't spare this opportunity, you reached into your pocket and grabbed your keys to your apartment to find the latch within the space where the doorknob used to be.

You turned the key inside the latch and unlocked the door. As soon as you got it open, you knew you'd have to make a run for it...not even a second later.

After the door swung open you searched the rest of the basement for the stairs, and you found them. You pulled yourself together and started running right toward the stairs, your foot wasn't even stinging yet because the adrenaline running through your body made you feel weightless.

The wooden stairs creaked loudly, they were old and dusty but you took your chances running up them anyway. You got to the second to last step before reaching the door to get out, you put your hand on the doorknob, and when you turned it expecting it to open.

It didn't.


You should've expected a locked door but you were thinking clearly. By now they'd definitely heard you running up the stairs so your only option was to find another way out and quickly. You turned around and rushed back down the stairs, there was another room and you were just hoping that there was a window.

You heard the sounds of people walking from above, you quickly ran into the room you saw and it must've been a miracle that there was a window. You gulped before looking around the room, there was loads of crap in this room surprisingly but you started searching for a tool or a toolbox of any kind.

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