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NOTE: This is an ALTERNATIVE ending, you can choose that the story ended with the previous chapter or this one for whichever you like more, it is up to you.


"Eren! I need your help!" You shouted and sighed heavily as you were out of breath.

Not even a second later you heard him rushing down the stairs, he found you in the living room with your shoes right next to you and immediately smiled.

"I can't get them on." You announced, he walked over to you and looked relieved to know nothing was wrong. He crouched down in front of you and helped you get your shoes on.

"Thank you." You said with a soft smile.

"Of course," he put his hands on your rounded stomach and rubbed where he felt a kick from before giving you a hand in standing up.

You were wearing a long white sundress and thanks to Eren, your brown sandals were tied onto you. He kept his hand on your stomach before kissing you gently on your forehead and you found that these past years you've been smiling much more.

"Daddy!" Sunny shouted from the kitchen, just a room over.

Eren took his hand off your stomach and walked over to the kitchen, you turned to grab Sunny's book bag and packed it for his first day of pre-school. After gathering all his stuff and packing it for him, you went into the kitchen to pack his lunchbox too.

"Blueberries or bananas Sunny?" Eren asked as you were walking downstairs to join for breakfast.

"I want blueberries." You answered even though he wasn't asking you.

"I know you do princess," He smiled and went back to trying to figure out what Sunny wanted in his lunchbox so you set his book bag down on the counter.

While you cleared off the table to put in the sink, you felt your leg being wrapped around by a pair of small arms. You looked down to find your toddler clinging to you, you smiled and reached down to pick him up. Eren had begun packing the rest of Sunny's lunch.

"Morning Grumpy," You picked him up and then sat him down on the kitchen chair so you could lean over and put his shoes on for the car ride.

"Do you think you'll have a girl this time?" Eren asked happily and your youngest son shoved his mushed blueberry in his mouth from his plate from breakfast.

"Third times a charm." You shrug jokingly and get your youngest's shoes on properly.

It's been four years now, almost five, that you've lived in Greece with Eren, returning three times a year to Italy with him and both your children. You couldn't imagine your life any different. You and Eren never actually planned to have any kids, you thought about how years ago you both said you didn't want any when you first got married. So much has changed since then, your lives have become without danger, and for that, neither of you feared to bring children into your lives anymore.

Your eldest was going through a phase of only liking to be called nicknames and since he was so surprisingly cheerful in the mornings, you and Eren called him "Sunny". On the other hand, your youngest hated waking up so you gave him the nickname "Grumpy". 

Sunny was four and Grumpy was two, you had them pretty close in age. They both had curly hair, you thought Eren's insanely long hair care routine wouldn't pass onto them but he spent three hours every morning doing his hair and both of your children's hair.

Eren packed up his lunchbox and put it in his book bag before picking him up and you had your youngest against your hip after getting his shoes on.

"Ready?" Eren asked while walking to the living room to get to the front door.

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