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You were forced to chat and mingle with his family members until it was time to leave. Carla was right, none of them were like Carla at all...they seemed exactly like Eren. A part of you felt like everyone was just judging you, a lot of them asked you about what you did for work and you told them the truth, nothing. That's not what they seemed to be judging you for though, almost all of them acted like they knew you didn't love Eren.

Despite that, you still played your role as his wife. Forty-five minutes of talking, Carla came over and insisted that you and Eren cut the wedding cake. It was a six-tier cake, frosting around it and begonias as the decoration for the cake. She shuffled you over to Eren who was already by the cake and people started to cheer and take pictures of the both of you with everyone surrounding.

Eren picked up the knife for the cake, you reluctantly put your hand on top of his and you both cut the first slice of cake out to plop onto a plate. When the cake was set down on a plate, the cheering got louder and everyone seemed much more excited, that's when you realized that there were no forks. There weren't any forks on purpose, you were to feed each other with your hands. Eren watched you thinking about it, he picked up a piece of the cake with his fingers and as badly as you wanted to slap it right out of his hands, you didn't. You opened your mouth and fed you the cake without even touching you, you were a little surprised but that was soon to be answered.

It was his turn, you picked up the cake with your fingers and had plans to do it the same way he did to you. He grabs your hand holding the cake out of nowhere and he sucks the cake off your fingers while looking at you. You wanted to snatch your hand away but you didn't, he pulls away and everyone gets excited to start eating the cake.

Eren started slicing and plating cake for the guests, meanwhile, you just stood there a little taken aback but you try and shake it off since he didn't seem bothered at all. You wiped the remaining frosting off with a napkin and you happened to glance over your shoulders, Carla had both her thumbs up with a smile and you forced yourself to smile back.

That's when it was clear to you what she thought was happening, she thought you and Eren's honeymoon night would be a typical one, you cringed at the thought of it and just watched Eren cut into the cake and plate it. This is why Carla gave you the garter, Eren must have known what Carla was hoping for which is why he so boldly sucked the cake off your fingers. You clearly had to make something clear to him again after this.

After he'd finished cutting the cake and talking to some more of his family, he turned to you and tilted his head in the direction of the door. You sighed and waved to Carla as you walked toward the back door back into the house with him. Your friendly smile dropped when you were alone with Eren, people were still outside enjoying themselves but you wanted nothing more than to be apart from him.


I was right, she picked one of the most expensive options and it made me smile because she thought it was the worst she could do. She picked Saint Barthélemy, an island as I predicted.

"You don't need to pack. Just get changed." I advised and she didn't acknowledge me but I know she heard me.

I watched her walk upstairs, she was holding up her dress so that she wouldn't trip. I caught a glimpse of something around her thigh as she held her dress up a little too high on one step, a garter. There was a white lace garter around her thigh, my chest tightened when I saw it but I turned my head away and focused on what I was supposed to be doing.

I called my pilot and let him know where we were headed, I arranged a villa for the both of us. I figured there was no harm in just buying one to have permanently, I was on the phone with them for a while making arrangements until we agreed I'd sign for the villa when I got there and at this point in going back and forth, thirty minutes passed and y/n was finally coming back down the steps.

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