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Three months passed.

Three months of hell. Eren has always been a complete dickhead to the people who worked for him, it was just how he was but now...these past three months have been terrible. Calling him a "dickhead" was an understatement for his behavior, he was in a shit mood constantly and it was exhausting.

Today, I was just in the city and took a detour after checking one of the warehouses. I was bored and wanted to walk around so I did. I turned the corner with my hands inside my jacket pocket and as I did, I came across a familiar person. I squinted a little to see if I actually knew her or not but as I got closer I realized who it was and decided to approach and say something.

"Hey...uh—y/n's friend, right?" I never got her name but I do remember taking her to the hospital three months ago.

She turned her head, looked at me for a minute then nodded her head. She was holding a stack of papers in her hand, a very large stack with someone printed on it and she was trying to hand them out like flyers to people walking by but nobody would take it.

"Whatcha got there?" I tried to see if I could determine what was on the flyers, she didn't look too happy but I was basically a stranger.

She looks rather upset. She hands me a flyer without saying anything and when I realize what it is...my friendly smile drops completely.

Missing since September 3rd.
20 years old, please contact if you have any information.

And a photo of y/n right in the center with contact information at the bottom.

"Holy...shit—she's missing? Are you sure?!" My eyes looked away from the flyer to her and she didn't even have to say anything, of course, she was sure.

"After you took me to the hospital, I came back and she was gone. All her belongings were still in my apartment, her phone, her wallet, and her clothes. I went to her apartment and everything was still there but she wasn't, it's been three months now and I haven't seen her or heard from her." She expressed to me and my eyes went wide, she's been handing out flyers for what I can assume is for three months now and nobody has seen her.

That means one of two things, either she's been kidnapped again or she's dead somewhere. Both of which would have Eren put my head on a spike.

I snatched the stack of flyers from her and started giving them to people, not handing them out kindly, I shoved the flyers into people's hands and forced them to hold onto it. I did this until there were no more flyers left, I would not be verbally abused by Eren because y/n had gone missing off the face of the Earth.

And when I finished, I returned to Mikasa and sighed.

"Could you..."

"Yeah, I'll tell Eren. He'll contact you when we come up with something...I'm sure she's fine," I tried to reassure her because I couldn't even imagine how she was feeling.


"Eren...put him down." Armin enters the room and I've got Connie shoved against the wall with my hand around his throat, ready to squeeze the life out of him.

"If this is one of your sick fucking "pranks", I won't threaten to kill you, I will kill you."
I warned and I watched his face go red from his closing airway.

"It's not...a prank..." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a crumbled paper of some kind.

I snatched it from him with my other hand and looked at it, it was a "missing" poster with y/n at the center of it. My entire world was already falling apart and this sent me over the edge, I let go of Connie and turned around staring at the flyer in my hands.

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