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It's been hours, they let you out of the gurney probably when you passed out from the pain. You're sitting on the floor with your knees to your chest and every breath you take just hurts. Reiner stitched your wounds but he didn't wrap them and he did a sloppy job of stitching them, nothing like how Eren did them before. All you did was blink at the wall, the amount of pain you were in was like nothing before because you knew there was more coming and you had no idea if there would be an end to it. At least with your father, you knew one day you'd escape him, one day you'd be free but right were not feeling very hopeful.

All the sobbing paired with screaming from earlier made your voice sore, everything just seemed to hurt. Just when you weren't being sedated, you now had new wounds directly on top of your old scars that prevented you from turning your body all the way.

You could have given Eren up, you could have told Reiner about the warehouse location, and saved yourself all this trouble but you wouldn't. You couldn't do that to him.


"Why'd he even bring us?" Jean mumbled, all three of us were standing by the entrance to Reiners warehouse, guns in our hands and guns with all their bullets.

Eren was killing every single one of Reiners's men, shooting them and stabbing them. Eren is ambidextrous, he has a gun in his right hand and a knife in his left. He's mainly just shooting all of them in the head and only stabs them if they manage to come up behind him. About thirty men are on the floor dead and he's still going.

"Did you figure out a way to get the computer on?" I ask Armin who's on my right.

"Dude, I told Eren it was going to take a least a couple of days but that's a lie. I don't have a clue how to turn it on without alerting anybody, this could take weeks, and judging by how he's gouging that guy's eyes out with a knife, I don't think I have weeks." He sighed and all three of us continued to watch Eren absolutely destroy Reiners's men.

He wasn't even asking them if he knew where Reiner was or y/n, because he knew that they didn't know. He knew that before he even decided to come here, he was killing them all to make a point. He was willing to go to any length to get
y/n back.

To be quite honest, I was sure he hated her. They always seemed to be arguing, it would just be easier for him to forget about her and that's what I expected when she was first taken but now...I wasn't so sure she meant so little to him.

But it still didn't make sense, the whole purpose of Carla forcing Eren to marry was agreed upon with Grisha. Grisha didn't care if he married but he knew he had to so he agreed with Carla under the one term that Eren had to marry a woman he didn't care about. He could not marry out of love, that's why I thought he picked y/n in the first place, because we all hated her at some point.

"Who do you guys think it was that took y/n? I mean it has to be someone who works for Eren—"

"I know who it was." Armin interrupts Jean, and both of us turn our heads and stare at him.

"Well? Who is it?" I ask urgently and he shakes his head while looking at Eren.

"It was Grisha." Armin confirmed and I shouldn't have been surprised but I was.

"How do you know?!" Jean asks as urgently as I did before.

"I recovered the missing security footage. Grisha pulled her into the blind spot and sedated her before she could even react."

"Shit told Eren right?" Jean sighs and rubs his head.

"Telling Eren would start a feud between him and his father, his father would kill him and you know it. So no, I did not and will not be telling Eren." Armin side eyes the both of us and then returns to watching Eren slaughter the men like cattle.

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