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Eren left three hours ago. It was practically the end of the evening, inching towards nighttime. You'd taken a decent look around but honestly, you stayed in the room for the most part. You found your way to Eren's closet, it was more like a room than a closet if you were being honest. Hundreds of button-up shirts and suits, he had an unimaginable amount of shoes, you didn't even know where to put any of your stuff so you left it in the suitcase for now.

His entire house was so cold, the AC was blasting constantly. You were still too reluctant to get in his bed, you kept looking at it but you didn't get under the covers like you wanted to. You did, however, take a shower. You ran the water of his expensive-looking shower, glass doors with stone all along the inside and you found that he had a lot of hair care products. You tried not to laugh but instead shower and get changed into your pajamas.

He said he didn't come home often which worked out great for you, you wouldn't have to deal with his strange behavior or his infuriating face. You took your shower and when you stepped out you grabbed the towel that was folded in his bathroom, it was on a stack of other towels so you didn't worry about it being his.

You wrapped the white towel around your body and stepped out of the bathroom, your pajamas were still in the suitcase. The water relieved a lot of your back pain but you were still a little sore, you sat down on the floor with your suitcase opened on the hardwood.

You grabbed your bra and underwear before picking up your black shorts and oversized gray shirt.

"Eren?!" Connie swings open the bedroom door and sees you sitting on the floor with your bra and underwear in one hand and your clothes in the other, your eyes widen but not because he just saw your underwear.

"Oh shit! He's gonna fuckin' kill me!" Connie backs up immediately and slams the bedroom door closed with himself behind the door in the hall.

You were terrified that he recognized you and was about to shoot you for what you did to Jean. Clearly, you overestimated his own fears, you could hear him pacing outside the door before you heard him loudly running down the stairs like he was being chased by a serial killer.

You got up off the floor, you shrugged it off because you were still alive and he hadn't shot you. That did remind you that just because you were marrying him, that didn't guarantee that he wouldn't try and kill you or stop someone else from doing so.

You walked back into the bathroom and went to go change into your pajamas.


"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I cursed and ran into the living room where Jean was resting on the couch.

"What? What the fuck happened?!" Jean woke up from his nap at the sound of my screaming and I stood across from him in front of the couch.

"I fucked up. I fucked up badly."

"What'd you do this time?" Jean groaned and readjusted himself, he was laying across Eren's leather couch and I was panicking.

"It's true. Eren's marrying y/n and I just walked in on his fiancé in nothing but a towel holding her underwear!" I rubbed my hands over my head, pacing back and forth because I knew Eren was going to have my head on a stick for this, and actually do it this time.

"You're fucked." Jean didn't even laugh at me because it was just that serious.

"Well—how long did you see her for? Can you remember anything because if you can't then—"

"She was holding a lavender bra and matching lavender underwear," I confessed with the image still fresh in my mind, her hair was wet and the towel around her was enough to give me the slightest idea of what her body looked like underneath.

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