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Suddenly you're standing with your back completely pressed against the door, his hand is around your throat and your gun is on the floor. He's managed to disarm you so quickly and swiftly that you don't even see him do it.

"I don't want to kill you, truly. I just require answers." He whispers and you're looking at him the same way he's looking at you.

As if you want to kill him this very moment.

You held your tongue, you didn't owe him any kind of answers and you certainly weren't going to give him any when his hand was on you.

"What did your father do for you to try to kill him?" He gives you a quick look up and down, almost too quickly for you to notice but you do.

That rage you felt was building up in your chest again, emotions had their perks when you needed to handle someone like Jean. For someone like Eren, emotions would only be the reason you were killed. Emotions weren't needed when you were about to throw a punch.

But that's all that was behind your punch, rage. You tried to punch him but he catches your fist, his entire hand fist over your fit and he doesn't even flinch, which irritates you even more. So you try to kneel him in the crotch.

Somehow, some way, he's quick enough to pin you to the floor before you could kneel him. It was like your body moved to the floor without you realizing and somehow he was suddenly on top of you with both your arms pinned above your head on the cold hardwood.

"I am not Jean...I am not Connie. I will kill you and you will not injure me at all in the process. I am not an ignorant fool like those two, I will shoot you and I will not miss. Do you understand?" He keeps eye contact with you and you fear how tight his hold on your wrist is, he's using only one hand to pin and hold both your wrists to the floor.

You find it getting harder to breathe, you can't get yourself loose out of his hold, his grip is firm like he has no intentions of letting go. You're breathing hard and looking up at him, he was clearly much stronger than Jean because you couldn't even get him off of you if you tried your hardest.

"If you're going to kill me, do it already because I'm not telling you anything." Your eyes narrow and the space between you and Eren is practically nonexistent.

You wanted nothing more than to kill him, you wanted him off of you and you wanted him off now.

"God you're stubborn." You whisper harshly and you start looking for any kind of opportunity to break free in your peripheral.

"Is this why Jean had such a hard time against you...because of this little look in your eyes?" He's teasing you again but something in his own eyes makes him look genuinely amazed, curious almost.

He's so distracted looking into your eyes that he unknowingly creates the smallest amount of space between you two but small enough for you to take a risk.

You end up yanking your arms down hard enough that you break free and you shove him off of you as hard as you possibly can before leaning over and grabbing your gun off the floor. You perk right up and point the gun at him before cocking it back.

You're standing straight up and at this point you want him gone, you step on his chest while you're pointing your gun at him and the last thing you expected from him happens. He's grinning, he's grinning like he finds this entire situation hilarious.

"Get the fuck out." You demand, ordering him and knowing what you'll do if he chooses to ignore your demands.

You're pressing your shoe down on his chest even harder for every second he doesn't get out.

"You've made a mistake. You've given yourself right to me." His eyes lock with yours and for a second you let him see your confusion.

His hand grips your ankle of the leg that you have on his chest and he yanks your leg. He yanks it so hard that you fall, you fall onto the hardwood floor and hit the back of your head against the wood.

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