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You ditched the car about two miles from the nearest subway station. It was freezing outside but that was the least of your concerns, you couldn't go back to your apartment and you couldn't take the car to where you'd be staying because they'd know your location as soon as they saw the car.

There wasn't another did what you had to and began walking towards the city. Your phone told you the city—the hotel you were going to more specifically, was an hour walk. You walked that one hour in the freezing cold, frozen fingertips and dry eyes.

Your breath appeared in the air, you slid your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you approached the hotel in front of you. The valet was standing outside and he greeted you with a gentle smile as you walked up the red carpet outside the hotel and opened the door to enter.

The second you swung that door open you realized you didn't have any money on you at all and the emergency money you did have was at your apartment. You looked around in the lobby you stood in and your eyes landed on the hotel clerk at the front desk, a man.

Your head turned to a storage closet that was cracked open, you made sure nobody was looking and you speed walked into it and flicked the light on. You removed your hoodie and then your shirt, revealing the tank top you had underneath all that. The first thing that came to mind on how to get a free room just for tonight was to play dumb, meaning you had to look the part.

You pulled your tank down a bit in the cleavage area and held your hoodie and shirt in your hand before leaving the storage closet quickly. You walked right over to the front desk and confirmed the script you'd go with.

"Hey! I know I'm gonna sound like a real airhead but I left my keycard in my there any way you could let me in?" You begged and plastered a distressed look on your face along with a desperate drag in your voice.

"Unfortunately I'm not allowed to o—"

"Aw come can't help me out just this once?" You asked with a little more desperation in your voice and you leaned down a little towards him.

He looks both ways, checking to see if anyone was in the area but it was so late that the halls were empty. He looks you up and down then centers his focus onto your face.

"You promise you won't tell my boss?"

"I promise. This'll be our little secret." You say sweetly and smile brightly to express your gratitude while keeping up the "airhead" act.

"What floor is your room on?"

"The fourth floor." You answered and he reached into his drawer to pull out a keycard specifically for the fourth floor.

He got up out of his chair and walked around the wooden desk to lead you down the hall to the left where he stopped in front of the elevator. You stood there behind him with a smirk on your face, clutching onto your hoodie and entering the elevator with him when the doors opened.

The man talked to you the whole way up the elevator and you played along of course, only up until he actually unlocked one of the random rooms you pointed at...hoping it was vacant and nobody was inside.

Nobody being inside of the random room you picked was the only ounce of luck you got tonight.

"If you need anything can call me. I'm here all night." He advises and hints to more than what he was saying, you nodded your head with a smile as he opened the door for you.

"Thanks!" You entered the room and he shut the door after you, you sighed loudly and looked around the room.

You turned around to lock the door then proceeded to take the armchair in the room and push it up against the door, just in case. You didn't even want to think about what you were going to do if Eren and the rest of his associates found you, you didn't even know that to call them. Were they just his friends? What you did know is that whatever they were, was definitely illegal...whatever they were all involved in.

You stared at the door, debating whether or not the lock and the chair against the doorknob would be enough. Honestly, you weren't even sure you'd be able to sleep...your adrenaline rush had settled but you were still pretty terrified for obvious reasons. Not to mention, you had no idea what you were going to do to escape had your fair share of experience with illegal activities and other people who did the same. If he really wanted to find you, he would and you knew that as a fact.

The only reason you knew that—knew that him finding you was a fact was because you had your own person to find.

A man who ruined your life, a man you'd do anything to run into again because you had every intention of ruining him the same way he ruined you.

There was no question about your intentions.

Which meant Eren had no intentions of not finding you. You had to come up with some kind of could always disappear but if you disappear you'd have to stay hidden and that didn't work with you. What exactly you saw Eren doing—the situation that made him send Jean to follow you twenty-four-seven was murder.

You saw him murdering a man in the middle of the weren't even supposed to be there but you were and that's how you ended up where you are now. All because you happened to make a wrong turn down the wrong was about to cost you everything.


"We found her car a few miles from the subway. She must've taken the train so she's gone." Jean enters the living room and I turn my head to him and just stare.

We hadn't even run any kind of background check on her, I didn't know shit about her or what kind of person she was but something about her gave me the idea that she was much smarter than most people assumed. She managed to trick Jean and knock him out so she had to of been at least a little more intelligent than most.

"What do you want me to tell the guys?" He asks and stands at the end of the couch, I just kept looking at him while me tally debating my next move.

I couldn't risk her blabbering off to the cops and telling all my business, dealing with the cops was already hell as is. Then again, searching for her might become a waste of time and resources. Dealing with her myself might've been too much...but to be fair, I never knew what "too much" was anyway.

"I'll find her myself." I stand up from the couch and grab my gun off the table in front of me, I slid it to my hip.

"Is she even worth the hassle? I've been with her every day and she didn't seem like she wanted to even snitch—"

"Obviously she wouldn't appear that way to you, you were with her twenty-four-seven...if she snitched, you'd kill her like I told you to." I interrupted with a scoff and walked passed him.

"Well, when you find her...what are you going to do?"

"Make sure she never opens her mouth about what she saw." I stated, passing a final glance at him before I walked out that front door.

Walking out that front door ended up in me getting involved in way more chaos than I planned for.

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