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"Damn...she got you good." I chuckle with my arms folded across my chest.

"That bitch is crazy." He huffs heavily as he slowly pulls the butterknife out of his leg, blood spills down his leg onto the floor and I watch this idiot make it worse.

"And you're the idiot who let "that bitch" stab you." I remark slyly and he grunts before pulling the butter knife out completely and grabbing a thick stack of gauze off the table next to him to put over the wound.

"Don't let your blood drip onto my fucking floor. Clean this shit up and patch yourself together outside." I directed while looking in disgust at the blood pooling on the floor, I point to the door and he reluctantly drags himself out the door as I instructed.

"The fuck happened to him?" Connie walks through the front door at the same time he walks out the door, watching him limp his way out with a drain of blood on my hardwood floors.

"He got stabbed with a butter knife." I snicked, trying to contain my laughter.

"By the same chick who knocked him out with the leg of the table?" Connie laughs out loud and I nod my head.

"She's going to become a problem I'm guessing...' specially since she saw what you did to the Davis brothers." Connie states but I shook my head before taking a seat on my leather couch.

"Nah...we haven't even sent her a message yet." I mutter casually, I didn't even have to look over to know what kind of face Connie was making. 

He raised an eyebrow while looking at me, waiting for further context as to what I meant but it was quite obvious what exactly I was planning. I don't care if she said "no bullshit", if I trusted a woman like that just from her words then I'd be in the same position as Jean; pulling a butterknife out of my thigh with stitches in my forehead.

I turned my head, looking over my shoulder at Connie with a grin, fantasizing about the kind of message I'd be sending.


"So you're back at home after all that? Do you think it's safe to stay there??" Mikasa asks worriedly as you were rushing around your bedroom with your phone on speaker on your bed.

"I don't have anywhere else to go for the night, I don't want to blow through the money I have left on a hotel. I'll push my furniture against the front door for tonight, then I'll leave in the morning." You planned out to her, she still sounded unsure of your plan but it was really your only option that caused the least amount of issues.

While you could've asked to stay with Mikasa, you couldn't risk getting her involved...then the hotel on such short notice would definitely be expensive if there was even a room available. You lived right in the busiest city, you were only to get am hotel room last night because you were two hours away and pushed your luck with that man at the front desk. Honestly, you were really starting to get pissed off that all this was even happening to you.

"Okay...well you know you can always stay with me, please keep me updated if something happens." She sighed over the phone and you hurried to take a couple of furniture pieces out of your room and run them over to your front door. 

"I will! I have to go now but I'll text you tomorrow," you shout and get back to your room to hang up the phone.

You really didn't want to stay here either but the furniture against the door made you feel slightly more safe, you lived in an apartment so you didn't have to worry about any back doors or anything. Your windows were locked, the door was locked and you even put a chair under the doorknob to prevent a break-in as best as possible. You knew that was what was couldn't a man like him. Making you promise not to snitch Really? If anyone actually bought that then they're fucking idiots, a man like him doesn't make pinky promises over situations he'd get thrown in jail for. You knew he was coming, it was just a matter of when.

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