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Y/n Carlson is a well know social media star aged 23. Despite her following online she is an extremely shy and introverted person. In her free time she loves to go to the beach, workout, draw and read romance books wishing it was that easy to find someone outside of the pages. She is very much the opposite to what people would imagine her being like based off her profiles but she loves the digital memories, experiences it brings, fashion and of course the money. She only just quit her 9-5 a couple months ago after her friends Lilah, Evie and Kaia made a full presentation to convince her thats shes hot and people love her, "you will be perfectly afloat and if not you can always get another job" they said. They weren't wrong. Yes not having a steady income took some getting used too but Y/n is much more happy now that she can focus and spend her time doing something she actually enjoys.
Y/n, Lilah, Evie and Kaia have all been best friends since high-school. The group actually grew up right here in California. After making it through the struggles of high-school drama, boyfriends, mean girls, all different kinds of social hues, LA drama, and what comes with being an adult the four are closer and stronger than ever.
Y/n is also really close with her family. Her parents Maria and Carlos Carlson and her older brothers Adam and Ethan don't get the chance to see her very often. They're all grown up with their own lives. Adam is expecting his first child in the next 4-5 months with his wife Olive. Ethan is getting married late 2024 to his fiance Molly. It's also isn't as simple as driving and seeing them considering all of them decided to move to settle once you finished high-school. They said it was a more respective place, better opportunities, Y/n of course didn't go with them. Either way when they're all together it's all laughs and smiles because despite having a considerate age gap between her and her brothers Maria made sure the boys were kind and included Y/n in their activities. This meant eventually they stopped seeing it as something they had to do but something they did willingly. Thanks to Maria Y/n and her brothers have quite a close relationship, forgetting their age gap most of the time.

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