Chapter 28

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Eliott's POV

We will be playing another game against Fred's former school today.

And I don't think he's very happy about it.

Fred is still sleeping, so I decided to make us some breakfast, before I will wake him up.

When I have the toasts ready, I place them in the dining room, and I go up the stairs to my bedroom, then I jump on the bed, making Fred wake up with wide eyes.

When he realises that I have woken him up, he glares at me, and he closes his eyes, trying to go back to sleep.

"I have toasts." I tell him, so he opens his eyes slightly, and he closes them again, when he sees that I don't have anything in my hands.

"You don't have any toasts." He tells me.

"I left then downstairs." I tell him.

"I'm not ready to wake up." He says with a groan.

I know that waking up in the morning isn't very easy for him, and it takes a lot of time to get him out of bed, I wonder how he managed to wake up on time when he was living alone.

I move to sit next to him, and I give him a few kisses, then I shake him harshly, making him groan again.

"The food will get cold." I complain.

"Alright." He says, with a frustrated sigh.

I laugh slightly, and I wait for him to get dressed, when he's done, I take his hand, and I lead him down the stairs.

We quickly eat out food, and my family soon joins us, but we have to leave, since we have to get to the school early, to get ready for the game.

So, after we finish our food, Fred and I say our goodbyes, and we go to the pack house, so I can drive us and my friends to the school.

We reach the school not long later, and we go to the lockers.

Thankfully, we don't see any of Fred's teammates on our way, I know that he didn't want to see them.

He thinks that they will be angry at him for leaving their team to come here, and since he was one of the best players, that's most likely true.

A while later, when Fred and I skate on the ice, I can see that some of my family members are going towards the bleachers, so I waive at them, and they waive back.

Then I see some movement beside me, so I turn around, and I see that Fred is sitting on the ice.

He glares at someone, so I look that way, and I see one guy that is smirking at us.

"Did he trip you?" I ask Fred.

"No, he pushed me, and he made me fall." He tells me.

I reach my hand towards him, and he takes it, so I help him up.

The game starts a while later, and it seems that Fred's former team had decided to make it a hard game for him.

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