chapter 63

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Boo moved on and work at the different company as a new assistant but it got worse when Lauren and her friends were finally free after long time in jail and we have a high school reunion at her old high school so then as she enter saw her old friends said'' SHADOW BETHANY'' and Bethany saw her said'' BOO ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU'' and shadow said'' hey how was you and sully'' and boo said'' I dont want to talk about it'' and shadow said'' oh I'm so sorry boo I'll just drop it' and Bethany said'' oh great here comes Lauren and her friends'' and Lauren said'' WELL WELL IT ISN'T THE FREAKS''and boo said'' WHAT DO YOU WANT LAUREN WE ARE NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE SO TALK TO US AS AN ADULT'' and Lauren said'' oh you haven't change a thing[ look at shadow] wow you change too'' and shadow said'' what do you want Lauren'' Lauren said'' oh you become a gentleman'' and shadow said'' sorry but you are not my type'' and Lauren saw bethsny said'' wow still the same old cow being afraid'' and Bethany said'' not anymore Lauren I changed'' and Lauren said'' oh really what is it'' and Bethany said'' none of your business all you care making  front of me'' and boo was surprised said'' good job Bethany you have been changed'' and Lauren was shocked said'' how rude' and boo said'' look like my parents and shadow taught you well' and Bethany said'' ya even my parents too'' and boo said'' well Lauren look like you haven't changed either still the same old jerk as usual'' and Shelly said'' HEY ARE YOU IGNORING US'' and boo said'' ya grow up Shelly you being a bitch anyway'' and Shelly said'' HEY HOW DARE YOU'' and so then boo punch her said'' YOU JUST SHUT UP'' and Shelly said'' AHHH MY NOSE'' and boo said'' ANY OTHER GIRLS HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY[arms crossed]'' and other girls were scared since they don't wanna get punched in the face and Lauren said'' oh you punch my friend' and boo said'' oh look who's is talking let go guys'' and Bethany said'' ya let's go'' and shadow said'' let's go'' and so then Lauren said'' HEY YOU CAN'T IGNORE ME'' and boo said'' TOO LATE NOW LAUREN ALSO SCREW YOU'' and Lauren was shocked and said'' FINE'' and so then boo and her friends went to the cafe and we talk about everything  even talk about sully himself since Bethany never seen him before as will someday meet him in person and later sully notice a empty seat said''[notice she is not around at all] this is not funny.....did I do something wrong, did I keep my distance [feel alone]what have I done...UGH IM GOING TO SCREAM I FEEL CONFUSED'' and so then Mike and Celia noticd he been feeling down and Mike walk over sais'' sully what is going on'' and sully said'' MIKE SHE LEFT I JUST KNOW IT'' and Celia said'' were you busy at work sully'' and sully said'' well yes wait a minute...OMG'' and Mike said'' sully what is going on'' and sully said'' i can't believe this I feel so stupid keeping my distance the person I loved  that means I didn't love her ugh'' mike said'' maybe you should apologize to her'' sully said'' I should apologize I know where she is but I'm not going to be human again'' and as mike and Celia were confuse and so Mike said'' SULLY WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT BEING HUMAN AGAIN...SULLY'' and so then sully ran off and Celia was so confused and sully exactly what he needs to do

boo first love [human world/monster world-monster university,monster incWhere stories live. Discover now