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7 February 20xx,

Everything in the room is just a mess (mummy is going to kill me) I thought in mind.

"Hurry up Rohit! I am getting late pack it fast" I shout while finding my hair straightener.

"Do it on your own if you are in such a hurry, I am not doing this" Rohit replied with an eye roll and throw the gift at me.

(Fuck !!) "You know idk how to pack these gifts and all just do it! Don't be a drama queen okay"

"First of all, I am doing your work so talk to me with respect and call me veerg then we will think about it" he replied with a smirk.

"Call you veerg?" I said with a laugh "wash your face first Rohiiiit" I said mocking him.

"You!! Now go to hell I am not doing it" he said with the weirdest expression. To hell with the expression his face is weirdest and people say he looks like me. I am fat I know; I don't have a perfect face or figure but I am much better than this monkey!

(ILAHI pull the best puppy face now) just as I was going to do what I thought my saviour comes from the kitchen "Mammi see he is not helping me; he is just throwing tantrums" I said with the fake tears.

"How mean! What you think that your crocodile tears can melt my mom- "they will!" to his misery Mammi cut him and I giggled behind her back "why you always irritate her Rohit she is your sister, 8 months younger than you. You should help her and here you are showing her tantrums"

"Mummy I am not showing her tantrum she is-

"I don't want to hear a word help her pack this"

I laugh at his glare but soon my laughter died as I heard the voice behind me from another room

"Why the hell is this thermacol all over the place?" mummy shouts entering the living room "I just cleaned the room. ILAHI, I told you to ask the shop keeper to pack this for you. But no, you want to pack and now you give it to this poor kid." Rohit grins at this as mummy scolds me. I prepare a mental note to kill him after this.

"Now you are going to clean this all"

"But mum-

"No buts" mummy said not leaving a room for any more arguments.

"And you" she said softly and turned to Rohit" do it fast beta and lets have lunch."

"Okay bua" I swear the second he will pack my gift; I will wipe that grin of his face.

"Ohh shit" I shout.

"Now what?" mummy ask with eyebrows raised.

"Where is my hair straightener, I can't find it. Oh god I will be late mummy" I whine.

"It is there on the sewing machine because your careless self forgot to keep it back in dresser." she replied in a matter of factly tone.

"Okay love you mummy" I said kissing her cheek and showing tongue to my crazy cousin before walking back in the room to find that thing.


After a lot of bickering, bit of melodrama and tastiest lunch I am finally ready to leave.

"ILAHI you always look pretty in this dress" Mammi complimented with a sign of removing evil from me. I am wearing my favourite blue floral dress Sakshi gifted me on my last birthday. My mood drops thinking about her. (No ILAHI! You will not waste a single tear for someone who don't care about your feelings, be happy) I repeat the same line in my mind millionth time since that day.

"I think you forget the meaning of pretty mummy; she looks like a female version of king kong" Rohit joked sensing the shift in my mood.

"Oh, yaa I am the female version because you are the male one twini" he is not my twin but looks exactly like me idk why people say that.

He is my support system, he was with me in my highs and lows, he even becomes my shoulder when he left, when I was all alone. After him Rohit is the only man, I trust and love him more than me. But I will never tell him that or else he will dance on my head.

"You are getting late ILAHI go now or else your friends will bombard you with calls and wear earrings" mummy interrupts my chain of thoughts.

"You know I hate jewellery mummy; I am not wearing it" I said with a puppy face. I hate jewellery idk why my mummy tells me to wear it every time.

"Bua I am telling you she is not a girl. She don't like makeup, jewellery, heels and boys as well. She is an alien" Rohit taunted.

"Alien" I whispered with a sad expression missing my best friend. "I am leaving" I said again pulling my fake smile. Now it is a habit.

"Get lost! Nobody is stopping you motu" Rohit ducked at perfect time to miss the bottle I threw at him.

"Bye mammi" I said to her with a smile and turned to mummy. "Mummy I will be back by 8:00p.m" "And you I curse you that your packet of maggie will come without masala" I slap Rohit's shoulder hard before running down the stairs.

The second I stepped out of the main door I noticed the sky is dark with clouds. (I think it is going to pour heavily, please baba ji just wait for 2 hours before raining) I pleaded to Babaji looking at the sky. I am excited to meet Nitin last time because tomorrow he will be leaving for UK. No doubt I am going to miss him, he is my best school friend aka rishtedaar. We used to tease each other by calling rishtedaar as he is my badimuma's brother's son. Everyone in school called us brother and sister and he used to be too angry at that. Everyone doubts he had feelings for me but I know him better than that. I trust him more than anything. He was there in my low time when I was all alone.






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