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I look up at the sky and sigh. Another cloudy day. I don't understand how Rajasthan is the hottest place when the weather is generally cloudy or is it only Jaipur? I looked at my watch for the 1000th time in the last 30 minutes and then my gaze turned to the entrance gate of the resort. It's 9:32. Will she not come? God, why I'm the biggest idiot to exist? She will definitely not come. I should go back in.

It's not her fault that your desperate ass is early. Wait for her.

My subconsciousness rolled his eyes at me. I guess he is right. I told her to reach here by 9:30 and she is just 2 minutes late. I tap my foot on the ground, turn the handles of the bike from right to left, clap my hand on the helmet and sigh. Where the fuck is she? I look again at my watch. 9.34. Ugh! I'm not even sure if she is going to come or not. She hasn't given any confirmation yet. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I groan and fight the urge to run my hand through my hair. I waste 30 minutes to get ready. Change more than 10 tshirts. I even tried a few of Tushar's t-shirts but ended up buying a new red one. After all it's my loves's favourite colour. My love. A smile formed on my lips but it immediately dropped remembering our last encounter. The way she was crying and the vulnerability in her eyes still makes my heart ache. I can't do anything to lessen her pain.

Honestly I was never angry with her in the first place. I was upset initially because being called a rapist was never on my wish list. That was sudden and unexpected so I overreacted but the second my mind calmed I realised I shouldn't have talked to her in that manner. But still her lack of trust in me disappointed me so I decided to wait for her next move. I had already decided that if she is going to take a step towards me then I will walk a mile for her but if she doesn't I will leave her alone even if it shatters my heart. But she tried to apologise. She even made the parantha for me even though she doesn't know how to cook. That's a different story that I had to eat with a lot of ketchup which was actually horrible but how could I miss something My Little Vixen made? She even sneaked into my room and told me about her past. I know how tough it is for her to open up but she did. I hope she agrees with my cond-

I snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed Ilahi walking down the front stairs. My jaw dropped at how gorgeous she was looking in a white crop top and matching mid thighs shorts. She is wearing a red loose shrug with white hearts on it that reaches her knees and white sneakers to complete her look. My eyes roam down at the length of her body and my mouth dried when landed on her tan legs. I never knew she wears shorts but I'm obsessed with them now. My eyes went up to her beautiful face and noticed her biting her red painted lips. I groan. There is a frown on her face and she is deep in some thoughts that she didn't even notice my presence just in front of her. Putting the bike on the stand I got off it and walked towards her. Her eyes snap to me like she comes out of some trance and instantly she stumbled on her feet. Before she could faceplant herself on the ground I wrapped my arms around her back so she face planted on my chest. I chuckle at how clumsy my woman is.

"Are you making fun of me?" She asked and arched her neck to glare up at me. I look down at her with amusement.

"Naa! I don't have a death wish in the morning." I chuckled again and she turned her head to the side to hide her smile. She grabbed my shoulders to support herself and backed away. I reluctantly unwrapped my arms from her and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I know I will not be able to control my hands when she looks this beautiful. She tucked a straight strand behind her ear and rolled her shoulders backwards. She looks down at her feet.

"You are looking breathtakingly beautiful." The words rolled out of my tongue before I could control them. Her eyes widened and snapped up to mine like she never expected that. I can see how hard she is fighting back the blush that formed up her neck.

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