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20 OCTOBER 20xx,

"Congratulations everyone the operation went well" Our senior surgeon announced with a small professional smile. It took us 2 hours in this major operation. Being an anaesthesiologist, it is my duty to stay during the whole procedure. I walk out of the OT while removing my gloves. Right now, I am hell tired, I feel like I will fall if I don't get rest. These 28 hours shift is getting on my nerves. I look at my watch and it shows 3.45. Great my shift will be over in 15 minutes.

"Hey! How was your surgery?" I heard Natasha from behind me as I am walking to the changing room.

"It went all well and what about you, don't you have an ICU duty right now?" I asked her taking the elevator to 8th floor. She follows my lead.

"Actually, I was hungry and thought to take a 10 minutes break. Sushant is there handling in place of me." Natasha is studying neurology and currently doing her internship, she is three years younger than me and a good friend of mine. She is beautiful with her blue-grey eyes and light brown hairs. The elevator dings.

"See you tomorrow HARSH" Natasha walked out of the elevator and winked at me before leaving. Well, I forgot to tell Natasha has a hell of a crush on me and she admitted that to me on my last birthday but I am not interested in flings. I believe in love. I think there is still love exists in this fucked up world, we just need to find it with trust and true intentions. I had fallen in love once. But I think we can fall in love again if we love ourselves enough to give us second chance. I know there will be a day when I will find her. A woman who can understand my weird self. Everyone calls me Gyani Baba because I speak truth about life. Well, I agree I am a bit too spiritual and I am a bit weird for these perfect people, note the sarcasm.

As I changed into my casuals, white t-shirt, and blue faded jeans my favourite. White is my colour for sure, it compliments my tan skin tone and it gives me a feeling of peace. I packed my bag and checked my phone before walking out. I stop dead in my tracks when I see 20 missed calls from Papa and 35 from some unknown numbers. (What the fuck, I hope everything is fine). My mind directly went to the worst scenario. Being a doctor, we must stay strong and mask our emotions but when it comes to my family, I don't give a damn. My anxiety rise as my Papa is not picking up the call. Then I got a call from another unknown number. My first thought is to decline it and try to contact my father again but something in me told to pick it up.

"Hel- "Thank god Paras you picked up the call" I hear a female voice from the other side. I don't know who she is but there is something really wrong she called me from a name only my family members, Daljeet and Tushar knows. Nobody in the family call me HARSH, it's always Paras for them and I don't know why I have two names.

"Who is this?" I asked trying to sound calm but there is storm inside me of nervousness.

"Do you have a word with your Papa? I am your cousin bua Paras. Your dad treats me as his sister and my Mummy stays 1 street down your house, if you remember?" she said I think I remember her but I mostly stay in hospital so I get a very less time to interact with people.

"Yes? Everything okay?" I said waiting impatiently.

"No nothing is okay. My brother-in-law is admitted to your hospital and he is on ventilator. He needs a bed in ICU Paras. Please I request you help us. I already told your Papa about everything you can have a word with him and talk to my son, Hardik. He is also there in the hospital with everyone." She said hastily with panic in her voice.

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