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21 JULY 20xx,

"Well! Well! Well! I never knew you were so desperate to be on your knees in front of me, Little Vixen. But do you really like the audience while we do this? And don't you think you should face me to start?" As much as I want to strangle him because he irritates me, his deep voice makes me feel weird. But a good weird. A kind of a feeling which makes you feel uncomfortable in some places but at the same time you want more of that. A kind of a feeling you get when you read a dark romance specially the part where the main leads having an intimate scene or something. Well, everyone thinks I'm innocent but my innocence is already taken by fictional men years ago. But still I have never experienced any sort of intimacy with anyone and it still takes my mind some time to understand any double meaning words. Suddenly his words register in my mind and my whole body feels hot. My cheeks are flaming at the thought of what he said. Fortunately my hairs are covering my whole face. I should be red with anger because first he can't degrade me like that and second he should not talk to his would-be-wife's sister like that but unfortunately I'm blushing like a tomato.

I hear the voice of his shoes thumping against the floor while he circle me and stand just infront of me luckily at a good distance. His white shoes comes into the view and it would be a lie if I say this man has no taste in clothes and shoes. He crouched down in front of me and tried to tuck a strand of my curly hair behind my ear but I was fast enough to do that so he can't touch me. I didn't dare to move my eyes from the ground but from the corner of my eyes I can see him extending his hand to help me up. But I ignored his whole existence and stand up on my own taking the help of the wall beside me. I dust the dirt from my suit and adjust my dupatta. He stands to his full height and open his mouth to say something, probably an another degrading comment or insult but I was fast enough to walk past him trying not to stumble or touch him on my way. The better way to stay away from him is ignoring.

"Are you ignoring me?" He said from behind me but again I didn't bother to reply. I walk to the shoe stand near the entrance gate and bend down a little and at the same time pull my leg up to unstrap my heels. Generally I bend fully to remove my shoes but I'm very well aware of the existence of someone behind me who is glaring at the back of my head. I can feel his glare. I can even feel the wheels turning in his wicked mind probably thinking of an insult to throw at me maybe to piss me so I will fight with him. But why is he bothering himself by giving me his precious attention when it should be solely on my sister? I try to concentrate on removing these damn heels but a voice interrupted me.

"Why are you removing your shoes?" The voice is quite familiar and the only way to find the person behind it is to turn around. So I exactly did that and come face to face with the cafe owner? He is the same cafe owner whom I offered my help to sing in his cafe but what is he doing here? I don't know how to react so I decided to answer his question.

"I guess it is basic manners in India. I mean of course if you are from here." I said confused why is it a big deal to remove my heels. 90% people in India don't like to take the shoes they wear outside in the house and I'm no different.

He laughs before speaking, "I'm from India but it's not a tradition in our house so you can keep them on." His house? I open my mouth to ask why he called Harsh's house his but he beat me to it by extending his hand. "I'm Daljeet. If you remember we met before." I look at his hand inspecting it for a moment then up to his smiling face before extending my hand and shaking it with his. His hands are surprisingly soft and warm as his whole aura. He seems a way too kind that I doubt his kindness. Good people don't exist in this world or maybe I'm way too persistent on finding defects in their kindness. I give him the best fake polite smile but keeping my defence up.

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