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I look down at my Little Vixen holding Pihu in her arms. They both look amazing together. The softness in Ilahi's voice and eyes when she is with Pihu makes my heart melt. This woman is perfect and she is all mine. I smiled remembering the whole day we spent together. It was perfect. More than perfect. Her smile. Her excitement. Her kindness. Her boldness. Lol even her jealousy. I saw everything today. Every emotion my woman holds. She was happy. When I took her to the Starbucks I thought I messed up and the day will be a disaster. But it turns out to be the best day of my life. The best thing about it was, she was about to confess. Something just had changed on the top of that ride and I'm not regretting to fucking go there.

"How mean is this? You forgot your Mamu." I said with fake anger and both Ilahi's and Pihu's head snapped to me. The small blush on Ilahi's cheeks is not ready to go and I can see my mark on her collarbone peeking through her hair. She kept her hairs on both of shoulders to cover the marks. It's fine. One day my woman will wear my marks proudly on her without feeling a need to hide them. I faked a frown just to tease them.

"Offo Mamu I can never fotet you. But I had more ectiteeet to meet My beautiful Dollface." Pihu said and out of nowhere pecked Ilahi's cheek. I grinned at her but a voice grabbed my attention.

"Bhai!" Arav said and I looked at him in surprise. Ritika and Tushar were standing behind him.

"Arav? What are you doing here?" I asked and walked towards him before sharing a hug. I smiled hugely at my cousin. He is my bua's son and the best cousin I ever know. Though I don't have much time to interact with anyone, Arav is someone I stay in contact with. After Tushar and Jeet he is my best buddy and I can call him my gossip buddy in women's language.

"Bhai. Arav is not only our cousin but Diya's best friend too. I also got to know this today only." Ritika said and my attention turned to her. I smiled at her before nodding and giving her a side huge.

"Really?" I ask happily. Nothing is better than staying on a vacation with your favourite people and the love of your life.

"Yes Bhai really. Diya and I were in the same class from 9th standard. I was about to come 2 days before her wedding but when Mammi told me that Ritika is coming here today. I couldn't resist spending my days with my best brother. Even I got to know that you were Jeet's friend yesterday." He smiled but his eyes lingered behind me and I grinned at him.

"Where you going?" I heard Pihu's confused voice from behind me and turned to find Ilahi on her feet and moving towards her room. Her head is bowed down. Weird.

"Where are you going Ilahi?" Tushar asks and his eyes narrowed at her. Not only me but he can also feel the shift in the air around her.

"I'm tired. Good night." Those were her last words she said without even turning to anyone before she sprints in the direction of her room. What the fuck? She was happy a few moments back and now her voice sounds empty. No emotions? Why? I took a step to follow her but Arav's voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Where are you going Bhai? Common let's just sit for a while." He said and I looked back at him giving him a tight lipped smile. I nodded my head and dropped the idea of following Ilahi. Maybe she is indeed tired. I will just check on her later.


"Here!" Arav passed me a glass of whiskey but I refused.

"I don't drink anymore Arav." I smiled but my mind is still somewhere else.

"What? Why? And how did this happen?" He asked shocked and I eyed the bottle of beer in his hands.

"His woman doesn't like it." Tushar said before I could reply. He sipped his whiskey and looked at Arav with a calculating gaze. Something is in his mind that is for sure. We are currently in Arav's room. Tushar was reluctant to join us because apparently he never liked Arav and the reason is still unknown to me. When I asked him in past he said he doesn't like the vibes of my cousin so I dropped the topic because let's be honest Tushar is picky as fuck. A loud laughter burst out of Arav and I looked at him confused.

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