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15 July 20xx,

I'm pissed from last two days. I just want to kill someone, break someone's head or just do something brutal to lessen my anger. My right hand is swollen and my knuckles are broken from hitting my hand on the wall repeatedly. This is what I do everytime I'm angry. To add to my misery my periods graced me with their presence this morning and I have to attend my sister's Roka today. I mean why do people marry? And even if they want to get married why invite others and ruin their period day which is already planned to be spent in the bed like a dead. I just want to lay in my bed with hot water bag, chocolate and Rocky Roads. I want to read a book and just want to disappear from this world for 4 fucking days. I want to drink 5 coffees a day to get rid of this deathly cramps. Is it too much to ask? But all I did since morning is be angry. I got up and noticed my periods were dancing on my head. That was not the only thing. I got a call from a company that I'm not selected for a job I had applied. Currently I'm doing a night shift in Amazon which is work from home and in the morning I joined a course of coding because I have a plan in my mind and for that I need to learn website designing. I also take two tuitions. All of these spare me a few hours to sleep but do I care? Well FUCKING NO! At weekends I have my MBA classes along with my training. Niraj's father is training me to handle the accounts and other important matters of their company. Niraj is one of the person I knew from my MBA classes. I can call him a friend we met the first day I got admitted in the course and I met his family almost 4 months back. His father is a business man owing a textile company. Niraj told him about my father and the condition we are going through to request him to give me a job at any level in his company. I worked in that company for almost a month when his father got sick. I don't know but he said he trusts me so he wants me and Niraj to take over his company but I refused since I don't want charity. So we mutually comes to a decision that I will handle the accounts and Niraj will be the CEO. They also forced me to be a part of the Board of Directors saying I deserve it and since I'm getting my training from his father. I never knew people like that still exists who just trust anyone. But I promised to give my blood to them if they need. This is the opportunity for me and I will never back stab them. All my thoughts are broken when my scooty is crashed with some white car.

"Babaji please not today. Please no drama." I mutter and put the scooty on the stand just to make sure everything is okay but the second my eyes land on the scratch I loose it. I turn to find the person who is going to have a ripped head today because he invited the devil herself for his death.


"You are late you know. And why are you looking like you are going to rob a bank, Didi?" Sameer asks as soon as I park my scooty in the parking. I roll me eyes at him and Ayush. They both are siblings and my chachu's sons.

"I have an alergy with roses which badi mama told me to buy. So how do you expect me to not let the smell near me?" I said flatly. I can't blame them for not knowing. Nobody in the family knows about me because why to tell someone who don't even care? My day was already bad but when badi mama told me to pick rose garlands I couldn't refuse her. And it became worst when I almost had an accident with that GTA idiot. I swear if the traffic police officer was not approaching us that 6 feet lamp post, will be 6 feet under the ground. If I will ever meet him again I will pluck every single hair on his head. But when I saw him, there was a weird feeling in my stomach as if I know him. He sounds so familiar. His jaw is so familiar. He looks like the person, I never want to see again. But the issue is maybe I will see him today.

"You should have called any of us to help you. We never knew about your allergy." Sameer cut off my thoughts. I can see worry in his eyes. We are similar in nature. Silent, introvert, caring and trust worthy. The only thing we have in different is he is not an angry and impatient person like me. There was a time when I was his favourite cousin and he was mine but chachi separated us. Typical Indian joint families. But deep down I know he still likes me and want our bond back but honestly now I don't care. Not about him or anyone.

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