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I ran a hand through my hair then rubbed my face harshly with my hands. Fuck! How could I do something so stupid? How could I not trust my woman. Misunderstanding? I asked her if it was a fucking misunderstanding? How could I do that to her? Arav is not responsible for what happened to her today. It was me who is fully responsible. I don't deserve this woman. I never did. Fuck! I punched the wall in front of me in anger. My knuckles were already busted and now they are hurting like bitch but the pain is not in comparison with the pain in my heart. The guilt that is crawling up my every nerve. I hope she is okay. It took her 5 years to partly recover from what he did at that time. And now the fucker had hit her at the same spot with more force.

"It was all your fault Harsh. You should have listened to her. You should have. It's your fault she is in this condition. You don't deserve her. It's your fault." I kept on repeating the words till the doctor walked out of the room. "How is she? Can I see her? Is she conscious now?" I bombarded her with questions.

"Who are you to her, sir?" She asked and for a moment I stilled. Who am I to her? I said I never need a label of a relationship with her but why can't I just answer this simple question?

"I'm--I'm her ummmm, Myself Doctor Harsh Sandhu and we are a couple." I said and she nodded her head with understanding.

"As you said you are a doctor so I don't think I need to explain a lot to you about her condition. There is no internal injury and the rape attempt didn't reach the stage where the damage is so far. But she does have a lot of scratches, marks and cuts on her body. She had 4 stitches on her forehead. She is out of danger but still not stable as she got few panic attacks during the time we were examining her even with anaesthesia." She concluded and a tear dropped from my eyes hearing her. "As a doctor the only thing I can say to you is to give her a good diet and medicines on time to heal her wounds but as a woman I can only say it's tough for her to go through this stage. I know I'm not suppose to speak on your personal life but I had seen many rape cases where the husband left his wife to die in her mental shell and you both are not even married. Just remember she will see her scars the way you treat them. And one more thing Doctor Sandhu. I would suggest if you can take her to a good psychiatrist. Here is a card of my friend from Delhi. You can contact him." She left with the heavy words hung in the air. I took 5 deep breaths because the weight of her words doesn't let me breathe. Ilahi! I want to see her. I will have my guilt trip later.

I walked inside the small room and shut the door behind me. There she was laying on a small single bed. I walked to her and examined her whole form. I removed the sheets from above her. She is wearing my t-shirt and sweatpants. There are bandages on her wrist, forehead, neck and I'm sure she had them on her stomach and back. I have not regrets in saying that I want to strip her naked and check her every single bruise just to make sure I will give the bruises at the same places to that fucker the next time I see him. But I know it's wrong. I'm a doctor and from that perspective seeing and examining a naked woman is not a big deal to me. But Ilahi. I can't do that. Not without her permission. Not after what happened to her all because of me. Gently creasing her pinched brows I bent to kiss her forehead but stopped mid way. No I don't have that right either. A tear fell down my eye while I looked at her pale face.

"I'm sorry Ilahi. I'm sorry. It's all my fau--lt. I'm I'm sorry." I bowed my head down and sobbed silently before I heard a voice that made me snap my head in the door's direction. I looked down at Ilahi one last time and walked outside the doctor's room to a waiting area.

"Where is Ilahi?" Diya asked. Something about her voice is different. My eyebrows pinched together. Tushar and Jeet look at me with concern while Hardik, Sameer and Ayush are looking at me like they are ready to kill me. My gaze turned to a little left and my blood boiled at the sight of Arav. The audacity he still has to face me. I will rip his skin from his bones if I even try to come near Ilahi.

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