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22 AUGUST 20xx,

Stupid! Pervert! Idiot! Damn it Harsh! You are a pervert! She was right when she named you Doctor Pervert because you are becoming one. How can I just kiss her without her permission? What the fuck got over me? I never even touch a woman without her permission let alone kiss her but with My Little Vixen, all I want is to constantly touch her. Feel her in my arms. And I crossed a limit today. I don't have a right to kiss her without her consent. Hell! I don't even have a right to hold her wrist without asking her permission. I don't know why the sane part of my mind numbs when I'm around her. Either I need to stay away from her or I have to keep my fucking hands to myself but both the things feels impossible for me.

"Fuck!" I said kicking the couch in the resort room.

"What did you do now?" Tushar asks walking out of the bathroom from my left only in a towel. His hairs are wet from the shower. His eight packs are full on display. No doubt I have no chance with Ilahi in front of him. Not after what I did today. I'm sure she is planning 189 ways to kill me right now and one of them is surely going to work. He is now leaning against the bathroom door raising his eyebrows.

"I kissed her." I sigh and slump on the couch. He gave me a dark glare before walking to the wardrobe. The room is spacious. The king size bed is in the middle of the room with one side a big wardrobe and the other side has a door that leads to a small balcony. There is a floor to ceiling length wide mirror that covers almost half of the wall beside the balcony gate.

"So?" Tushar said with his back to me.

"Without her consent." I said looking at the ceiling. I can feel him stop shuffling his content and turn his heated gaze towards me.

"The fuck?" He asks as he can't believe me.

"I kisse- "That's what I already saw but I thought you asked her. I thought your equation changed since I found you both almost kissing on the bus roof. I can't believe it, man." His voice sounds angry. I'm already feeling guilty of what I did but his words are adding to it.

"I'm already feeling guilty. You don't have to scold me." I said getting irritated with his possessiveness for my woman.

"Guilty Harsh? Seriously? You were the one who was concerned about her trauma and even consulted a psychiatrist for her so how could you make this kind of mistake? For God sake man keep your hormones in check." His words hit me like a brick to my head. I told him about her trauma because I wanted to consult his psychiatrist friend. It's not like I can't talk to the doctors in our hospital but I didn't want anyone else to know about Ilahi's situation. I finally look at him. He is now wearing his black joggers.

"First you tell me Tushar, why are you behaving so possessive for her? Why does it look like you are more concerned than me?" I ask glaring at my best friend. It is the first time we are having an argument. Our friendship was always mature and even if we had misunderstandings or different opinions on something we talked about them. But we never had an argument. There are so many things that are happening in my life for the first time since that girl came. Some I like and others I loathe.

"Because I care for her." He said looking dead in my eyes. There is a different emotion in his eyes I have never seen before. Since childhood Tushar was the only person I met who knows how to hide his emotions pretty well. He is the reason why it is easy for me to read Ilahi's hidden emotions because me and Daljeet very well know how to read our best friend when he struggles to speak. I know the words he said right now are tough for him. As much as he smiles and jokes around, I know how broken and emotionally damaged my friend is. I stand up from the couch and walk towards him till I'm standing right in front of him.

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