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22 AUGUST 20xx,

-and it was not at all funny." Diya di scolded, in her mummy tone. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. This Doctor Ajeeb, I will fucking kill him. He is meant to die from my hands, I swear. Babaji how can I want a person I say the most 'I hate you' in my life. I never used this word 'hate' before but this man but he is getting under my nerves. I look up from my white sneakers to the moron laughing behind my cousin who is busy scolding us for the last 10 minutes. He laughed harder when I glared at him. Asshole.

"Don't worry! We will plan his murder together." Tushar lean down a little to whisper in my ear. We both exchange a look and then glare back at him. Honestly if it is some other time, I would have love to see him laugh. He looks more handsome while laughing his heart out but right now I'm so mad at him that I'm planning to break his teeth with my bare knuckles.

"Let it be Diya! It was just a prank. But Ilahi I should give you the credit. You did a tremendous job. I mean for a moment you scared me as well." Daljeet said wrapping an arm around Diya Di's shoulder while grinning at me. I give him a small smile at that.

"It was my plan afterall." Tushar said tapping his right shoulder in praise.

"How mean you liar. It was my plan." I whine. For some reason I know I can be my real self with Tushar. He is just so easy to be with.

"Oh please madam, I was the one who executed that. I told you to download that app." He shrugged glaring playfully at me and crossing his arms around his chest.

"Oh hello mister, I was the one who locked the door and even took the risk of breaking that vase." I said copying his actions and pointing at the broken vase in this creepy room. I don't know what we are still doing here.

"So? I searched the Rajsthani language. And don't forget we get caught because of you. Miss prankster." He huffs. Why the fuck everyone is adopting my habit of giving weird names?

"We get caught because of your stupid best friend." I roll my eyes.

"Hey! I'm not stupid." Doctor Ajeeb whines this time pouting a little and if I was not angry on him right now, I would have pulled his cheeks at how cute he is looking.

"YES YOU ARE!" Tushar and I said in union giving him a duh look to which his pout deepened and he crossed his arms around his chest like a cute kid whose candy is stolen.

"SHUT UP!" A voice boomed in the room almost making everyone deaf and made me jump a little. "You both almost gave me a heartattack with your prank and now you are fighting over whom should be credited for this stupidity? Ilahi atleast I never expected this from you." Diya di said crossing her arms. Guilt rose in my chest. What if something would happen to her or someone else because of my stupid jealousy? Fuck! I never thought about that. How could I be so immature?

But it was just a prank and everyone should take it as one. Why do you always want to add to the heap of your guilt? It was just for fun purposes if they couldn't take it like that, then fuck them. Who cares? My subconsciousness rolled her eyes at me. Exactly why do I even care what anyone will think or feel? I left this caring part of me months back now why the fuck I care if something happen to anyone of them? They are not my people and it's not like they ever liked me. Moreover it was just a harmless prank, why I'm feeling guilty for this. (Remember Ilahi they are the people, your so called family who left you when you needed them the most. They are not your family so don't give a fuck about them. You just wanted to scare Muskan out of your stupid jealousy over a man who is not even yours. Stay away from these people, especially the man who is bringing out the worst in you.) I remind myself, taking a deep breath and decide to walk out ignoring these people but Muskan's harsh words seize my movements and hit me with another guilt.

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