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23 AUGUST 20xx,

My whole body is aching.

My mind is numb.

I can't think straight.

I can't see anything except for the very bright lights coming from all directions.

It's so bright. Everything just looks white. I turn around and there is nothing but white lights behind me as well. No one is here. Where am I?

Is it death?

Am I in heaven?

Hell, a funny question. Do I deserve to be in heaven?

I shake my head and look down at my black t-shirt and black jeans. Is black a dress code after death? But papa told me that we can't take anything with us after dying not even our own clothes. So how am I wearing some? I start walking straight in the never ending light. It's weird how everything looks so white. I don't know how long I walked but suddenly everything around me start making shapes. They place now looks like a market?

Did I actually die or am I dreaming? I'm so freaking confused. Aa I walk few more steps I saw a tall man standing at a distance from me with his back to me. He is talking to some woman I can't see the face of but she looks old. She looks like the age of my dadi probably and the man he seems so familiar. His back, his height, his hairs. They are so so so familiar. Who is he? Before I could understand why he is so familiar he turns to me with a frown and I stopped breathing. His brown eyes that are exactly same as mine found me and his frown deepend. Only one word comes out of my mouth.

"Papa!" My lips trembled and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. He turns to me. He is wearing the similar clothes as mine. Did babaji send him to collect my soul? If this is death. If meeting my father again is death. Then I'm so freaking happy to die today.

"Ilu?" I burst into the fit of ugly tears hearing the nickname only he was allowed to call me with. He open his arms for me to hug him and without thinking twice I run to him. If it is a dream then the second I will touch him either I will wake up or he will disappear like always. But if it is death then I'm going with him. Staying with him forever. My body collided with his strong and tall frame with a force but he held me. Like always. I wrap my arms instantly around his back and he wrap hin one arm around my shoulder while stroke my hairs with another. Like always. I feel comfortable and at peace in his embrace. Like always.

"P..ap-pa! y.o....u. I -- papa I." I can't even formulate a single sentence at this feeling. I heard a sound from a distant like someone is calling me. Someone is taking my name but I don't know whose voice is that. I unwrap one arm from my father's back and hold his bicep with my hand, tightly. For a moment it was him. His arm but another moment it was not his arm. What the hell? The bicep I'm holding is not his. I back away my head a little to look at his chest and it's not him? What is happening? Where papa is? I remember hugging him? Who is the man that is holding me so protectivly just like my papa? I look up to find the person but his face is blank....

My eyes open from the surprise but closed again because of the light coming from somewhere above my head. What was that? Why tha person has no face? And why does his embrace feels like he was.... Harsh? What the fuck this actually mean? Most important question. Where the hell am I? I can feel the soft mattress under me. My whole body is aching like I'm crushed by a truck. My head is bursting like it never did. There is something weird in my left hand that is hurting me but I couldn't move my hand to see what the hell is that. I try to open my eyes again but it take me alot of effort to even half open them. What is happening to me? I blink my eyes to make out my surroundings and try to adjust them with light. I can see the outlining of someone's head just above mine. Who is this? Where am I? I open my mouth but it is really damn difficult to speak.

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