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21 AUGUST 20xx,

-And I'm planning to go to Amritsar or maybe Rishikesh and hopefully Kashmir too. Of course if my mother allows a solo trip as I don't have any friends." I said excitedly. It's weird that I'm sharing my plans with someone but to be honest Daljeet's and Tushar's presence is somehow comfortable. And I'm not going to lie but I feel safe with them. Most importantly I feel safest with the man sitting beside me. As much as I fight or argue with him and even try to ignore him, my heart feels at peace in his presence. There is a weird sort of calmness in my heart when I'm near him that I never felt before. Weird right? This man is doing something to me which makes it harder for me to resist him. It's hard for me to ignore him when he flirts with me or smiles in my direction or looks at me like he wants to eat me alive or even breathe in my presence. He is the only man after papa and Rohit who made me feel safe but he is the only man in this entire world who freaked me out and makes me feel things I had only read about. I turn my gaze from Diya di who is convincing Daljeet to take her to Kashmir after marriage to steal a glance of the man sleeping beside me? What the actual fuck? He fell asleep listening to me? Was I that boring for him?

Of course you were. Why would he want to listen to the degrees you are planning to get or the places you want to travel to? Why the hell would he even care?

He fell asleep on Tushar's shoulder so I took it as the opportunity to check him out. His hairs are messy because of the wind but still look soft and touchable. His mouth is open a little which makes him look cute in his sleep. From this angle I can see his sharp jawline which is covered by light beard. I love his beard it looks soft and, nethier to much nor invisible. My eyes move a little down to the veins popping in his neck. I still don't understand how he gets the time to workout? His black t-shirt is tight is clinging to his body giving a great show of his muscles. I can clearly see his bulging biceps and veiny forearms and unintentionally lick my lips because suddenly they feel too dry. His hard chest is rising and falling with every breath makes me want to keep my hand there and feel his heart beat. My eyes unknowingly move to his crouch that is covered by the hands crossed on his lap and I instantly regret looking at it. I turn my gaze instantly from there. What the fuck I was looking at? And why does the thought of looking at him come to my mind? Hell, I never look down at a man like that. Thank God he is asleep because if he was awake and caught me he would have never left a chance to fucking tease me.

I keep my head on the closed window and look outside at passing trees and light drizzle. All I want to do is climb to the roof again and dance in rain. For some reasons I love rain. It calms my nerves and when the droplets touch my body it feels like the sky is touching me. My dadi told me that the souls of dead people live in the clouds and whenever we are sad or happy our loved ones send their blessings through rain. It is the most beautiful thing I ever heard from her and even after years I still believe it. Since I lost my dadi I used to stand or dance in rain everytime even if I have a fever. And nobody will believe me but it's true whenever I'm sad or happy, it rains. She gives me her blessings and now papa too. I yawn and my eyes started feeling heavy as I haven't slept last night. I had an early morning meeting and last night I was packing for the trip. I close my eyes and in less then a minute fell asleep hearing the chaos in bus and sound of rain hitting the glass.


My nap is disturbed by something moving above my head. I ignore the feeling of it and snuggle more into the window. The bus is not moving anymore, I can feel it. Maybe we are on a red light or something. Wait! Why does this window feels softer than before? I mean my head is still on something hard but it feels human not glass. Human? My eyes snap open wide at the realisation and the first thing I noticed is empty bus? Smell of fresh rain and sandalwood filled my nostrils and I notice I'm not leaning on the window but the person sitting beside me. My head is kept securely on his bicep because it barely reaches his shoulder and I'm holding his forearm with dear life. His outer arm is touching my chest which makes me feel weird butterflies. I can feel him keeping his cheek on my head. Is Karan Johar directing my life? I feel like I'm living in a FUCKING MOVIE. His scent hits my nostrils making me feel dizzy and the butterflies in my stomach go crazier. He smells like sandalwood and something which resembles soil, or more like something eartherly. There is a hint of something different in his cologne that I truly don't know. I don't understand how the girls in books describe the smell of their man perfectly. I can barely describe the smell of my own perfume. His face moves and I can feel him no longer touching my head. I pretend to sleep because there are two reasons. First this situation is fucking awkward and I don't want to face him after clinging to him God knows for how long and second is it selfish to say I want to stay right here forever?.

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