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'I don't deserve you!'

I can't keep these words out of my head for the last 24 hours. What is she hiding? Why did she say that? I don't know and I don't know how to find out. She will never tell me this is for sure. I can't touch her. I can't force her to talk to me. And now when her whole family is here, I don't even know how to approach her in front of all these people.

"Damn it!" I huff.

"Relax Harsh! She will be fine." Tushar said for the 20th time in the last 10 minutes.

"I'm not able to understand why she said that and how to figure it out?" I look up at the bright sky. We both are sitting here at the pool area. Tushar is sipping a beer that makes me confused because he never drinks at day time. "Why do you look so stressed anyways?" I ask him just to distract myself. His head snapped to me like he didn't expect me to notice.

"He called me." Tushar said in a monotonous tone. Just one look in his eyes and I understood who he was talking about.

"Okay?" I said not expecting a reply this time as I stared at the water in front of us. There are some people or things in our life that haunt us even after trying our best to move on from them. 'He' is something like that. The only person who can make Tushar lose his shit is his own father. He is the only person who can make Tushar shut down.

"He is an asshole." He grumbled under his breath and today for the first time I don't have the strength to tell him that he shouldn't be saying something like this about his father.

"What does he want now?" I ask out of curiosity and Tushar stiffened. I looked at him as he took a huge gulp of his beer. My hands twitch as I fight the urge to snatch it from him and gulp the whole thing down. I can't. For the sake of Ilahi I can never. She is already in distress and the last thing I ever want is for her to see me drunk.

"Usual. You know what a manipulative bastard he is. He wants me to get married to some 'daddy's princess' just because she is his friend's daughter and perfect for me." His voice is as hard as stone. Years ago I always winched at his tone but now I'm used to it. "Fuck him! You tell me what you are going to do now? How are you going to approach her?" He asked, looking at me for the first time since we are here. I look down at the bottle in his hands.

"Don't know." I sighed. "I don't know Tushar. I fucking don't know anything." I said and ran a hand through my hair to lessen my frustration. I haven't slept since the incident happened to her. I didn't eat much. I'm just frustrated. The second I close my eyes, her fearful eyes haunt me.

"Tell me honestly one thing Harsh?" My gut is saying I know what he is about to ask and honestly the thought of what he is about to say wants me to punch him right in his face but still I nodded my head for him to go ahead. "Do you still love her? I mean we have seen a lot of cases in hospital Harsh. Husband leaves their wives to die after something like this. Thankfully nothing extreme happened to Ilahi but still she is traumatized. She hates herself. She is disgusted by herself. Are you?" He asked and I clenched my fist in anger. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Are you disgusted by h- "If you say one more word I will drown you in this water without a doubt." I snapped. It's not his fault but the thought still made me angry. I know most of them are thinking the same, it's Tushar who got the courage to say it and it will not be shocking for me if Ilahi thinks the same too. But I'm ready to destroy anything or anyone that will try to keep me away from My love.

"I love Ilahi no matter what. I don't give a fuck what you or anyone thinks. She is mine. Broken. Tainted. Traumatized. Whatever she is. She is mine. I'm not going to give up on my woman just because some fucker choose to touch her. For me she is as pure and beautiful as she was and even if she is not I still love her. She needs time and I understand that. I respect that and accept that too but what I will not accept is her to leave me because of her thoughts. I will never let her leave me and even though she wants to push me I will not let her push me too far Tushar. She is my woman. I love her and will always love her no matter what." I concluded looking down at my white knuckles as I clenched my fist so hard. Tushar remained silent. Too silent. I looked at him but he was not looking at me. He was looking at something behind me. I followed his line of gaze and instantly stiffened when my eyes met the teary chocolate brown orbs. Her lips trembled when she found me looking at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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