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Note: This chapter is comparatively shorter than the other ones. I wanted to add this part in the end of the last chapter but I personally don't like point of view switch in a single chapter. So I make it a separate one. Hope you will like the story from Author's p.o.v as well. I just wanted to show there condition and thoughts at the same time. There will be more chapters like this but do tell me if you want me to include new chapter like this or go with the p.o.v switch thing. <3

And for my silent readers please do comment and vote. It gives me encouragement to write more and I would like to interact with you too.



20 JULY 20xx,

Outside Daljeet's cafe

"How is it even possible? Ilahi made a fake ID to talk to me. But why? Why not with her personal ID. What the fuck man I don't understand anything." Harsh said throwing his hands in the air frustration is clear on his face.

"I don't know. You can't understand what is going on in a woman's mind. They are unpredictable. It doesn't make sense why would she do something like that?" Jeet said huffing. Harsh is sitting on Daljeet's car outside the cafe whereas Daljeet is standing beside him leaning his back at the car. There are so many thoughts going on in Harsh's mind which he doesn't know how to voice out. Then he remember something and clench his jaw at the realisation.

"It does make sense Jeet. She told me that she lost her father recently. She told me how she hates every doctor in my hospital because they were rude and arrogant with her. Her sending me the request was not random. I was an idiot to not realise it earlier. She wanted to know me. Because maybe just maybe she also noticed me. Or maybe like me. Maybe the way her eyes widened at your Roka venue she recognised me. Maybe this is the reason she doesn't want to face me in the Roka so she ran. There are so many maybes and questions Jeet, only she can answer." Harsh said looking at the moon. (Maybe she never told me her real identity because I know how insecure she is about herself. Her overthinking never let her breath in peace.) He thought but doesn't voice out in front of his friend.

"So what we are going to do now? We need to be careful Harsh. Our families are involved now." Jeet point out the fact that is at the back of the Harsh's mind since he saw Ilahi in the hospital. But right now his mind is somewhere else. The thoughts in his mind are making him feel sick.

She was sexually harassed.

She is a victim of someone's sick mentality.

She is traumatized because of her ex.

She hates every men because of that bastard.

She lost her father.

Her innocent soul is tainted.

She hates herself because of him.

I don't even know to which length that fucker had broken her.

How did she manage to make me fall for her twice? Once for herself and once for Ishita.

No miss you blocked me once out of your life, not this time.

"Fuck! My Little Vixen had been through a lot at such a young age. My innocent woman is broken Jeet and I can't risk a single thing with her. You are right we need to be careful not because of the families but because I can't push her further in the darkness she is in. First I need to find how deeply broken she is. I can't help her heal without knowing how deep the cut is." Harsh said with a new determination in his voice.

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