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12 FEBRUARY 20xx,

"Why don't you- "Shh! Stop shouting and no I am not going to contact him. Pass me the pepper." I cut off SMRITI as I know what she is going to say. Since I told her about that doctor, she wants me to contact him and of course I still have his number. I don't know why I am not deleting it. She keeps on nagging me since yesterday even when Badi Massi came here to meet us. This girl is really a pain in my ass.

I want to strangle her? Yes.

Do I regret my decision of telling her? Hell, Hell, Hell yes

"But why? Please Na for me" She said passing me the pepper. We are preparing breakfast. I am not a morning person but we had a bet with Rohit that we will cook good aloo parantha for breakfast. He just wants to mock us as; my cooking is not at all good but somehow SMRITI cook better than me. She is three years younger than me but still can cook a lot of things but on the other hand I just only know few things to cook like maggie, tea, rice, sandwiches and few more things. But for sure I am pro in the things I cook. Well, if we ignore some of my burnt maggies or breads. My Papa loved the malai chaap and sandwiches I make. I never knew I have the capacity to miss someone that much because I never cared who is with me or who is not. I still don't know how I spent 3 months without a person I never spent a day without. I remember the time when my Papa went to Punjab because his relative died only for one day and I cried for the whole night because I missed his presence. I was 8 years old that time.

"Back to the earth madam." SMRITI said clapping her hands twice in front of my eyes.

"What?" I give her a side glance before continuing with the mixture of mashed potatoes and spices.

"Okay give me a one good reason. Why you don't want to contact him?" she is so stubborn. I think it's in our blood my Mummy is stubborn and I? Well, let's not talk about it.

"Because I don't want to. Simple." I said to her in a matter-of-factly tone.

"And why is it?" she pressed further.

"First you tell me? Why you are so persistent on my talking to him?" I asked raising my left eyebrow. Well, a talent my cousins are jealous of.

"Because I want my 'I want to die virgin' sister to be committed with some guy. And the way you gave me his introduction I think he is kind a hot and sweet. A rarer but deadly combination. He will be perfect for you. I approved him as my jiju" she said dreamily as if Karan Johar is directing my love life. I chock at the word jiju.

"Committed or me. Haha very funny" I fake laughed "And what 'introduction' I gave you to believe he is hot and sweet?" I said quoting 'introduction' in the air with my fingers. She is sitting on the counter because the dough she prepared needs 10 minutes rest and now I am finished with my filling so I turn to look at her and found her busy on phone.

"Let's start from the beginning. He helped you with the hospital crisis. If he wanted he could have easily slipped from the situation but he decided to help you and wait for almost 5 hours after his long shift. Then after that he personally monitor every single report and your father's condition daily and you know very well that he didn't need to. He shifted all the tests early so they can diagnose the problem as soon as possible. And above all he always talks to all the family members politely not like every other doctors there. Hence, he is sweet and gentleman." she finished still looking in phone. She is right with her every word and I am still really thankful for all of the favours he did for us. My first impression on him was not good but when Hardik told me that he waited for almost 5 hours there to shift my father, my thinking changed about him. SMRITI is right if he wanted, he could easily slip from the situation like I earlier thought he will but he didn't. But that doesn't mean I like him or something, I just have a soft corner for him.

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