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20 July 20xx,

I sighed walking out of the bathroom after a long shower in only a pair of black sweatpants. I lay down on the bed on my stomach crossing my forearms in front of me and keeping my head on it. After a long 28 hour shift I'm exhausted. It's only 2:00 p.m and all I want to do is sleep till my next shift that is tomorrow 8 a.m. But it is not possible for me today because I already promised Daljeet that I will be at his cafe for a live music show as a singer. He is upgrading his cafe by introducing a live music show every weekend, making some changes in his menu and even changing some furniture. He is also adding a book corner to his cafe. All the things are already done and today's music show will also start. He wants me to be the first singer there and I'm glad he chose me. He is happy with everything changing in his life. After all he is getting married so he does need some changes. It's been five days since he had his Roka with Diya, Ilahi's sister.

If it was not Tushar walking out and interrupting our moment I would have more time with her. I don't know why she just disappeared and didn't even attend her sister's Roka. The mere thought of that girl's name brings a smile to my face. The memory of that day is still clear in my mind and every time I think of that moment it brings a smile to my face. Her big brown eyes are so beautiful I found myself lost in them. The way they widened when they met mine like she knows who I am. But they were different from the last time. Her eyes were sad, angry and even crying when I saw them in the hospital but now her eyes look hopeless, almost like they were dead. She didn't let her eyes express anything this time. Her walls were so high that I couldn't read her mind. The only emotion she let out was anger but didn't let it show in her eyes. I know she lost her father but the way her eyes looked hopeless, I have a feeling that there is something more to it. Apart from last time her glasses were missing maybe she was wearing lenses. The way her nose flared and redened when she was angry. The way the frown was settled on her beautiful face. The mole on her left cheek and another one just above her lips drove me crazy like the last time. She had short and curly hairs last time but now her hairs are long till her butt and as straight as a sheet of paper. They look so soft and silky. Her natural black hairs are now dark brown with deep red streaks just matching her eyes. She has lost so much weight since I remember from last time but still look the same innocent woman I couldn't keep my mind off.

How can someone be so fierce and so innocent at the same time? She has a smart mouth and a bitch attitude which can show anyone there place. At the same time she has innocent eyes and mind. I know that because she didn't understand what I said about using her mouth for something else. I felt like a true pervert when an image of her on her knees using her mouth for the reason I told her, looking up at me with those innocent doe eyes popped up in my mind. I can't keep that image out of my mind now and only I know how I had gone through my friend's Roka with a hard on. I look at my right hand still feeling her soft skin on mine. It's been 5 days but still I can feel her small wrist in my big hand. And now when I had touched her once I want more. More of her. I want her smart mouth to fight with me. I want to irritate her just to see that cute little red face of hers when she is angry. Believe me when I say the face is worth a broken leg. It is like I had a taste of the most sweetest desert and now I can't stop myself from thinking about it. I want more of that taste. I fucking want her innocence. It should be illegal to be this innocent in this cruel world and I'm willing to be the monster to take it from her just to make her mine. When she kept her hand on my shoulder she awakened something in me that is new and foreign. I never had sex but that doesn't mean I hadn't have my share of fun. But I never feel a need for someone mentally and physically as I have for her. I don't know whether the feeling I have for her is love or lust but the only thing I know right now is I want her. And I have to figure out how I will make her mine.

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