15 3 0


12 February 20xx,

"My girlfriend is not willing to get married"

I partly lied to Ishita. I have reasons for that, first I don't know her and her intentions. I don't know if she is just a random girl sent me a request or she is someone who knows me and have some sort of crush on me. The last thing I want is to have a crazy stalker who will cut her nerves or something. And if she by any chance has a crush on me so she will simply back off now. The second reason is I am back with Natasha. Well, as cliché as it sounds but I don't have another option. I must keep Ilahi out of my mind because somethings are too beautiful to be true. And me and Ilahi are same. Maybe we will be beautiful together but we can never be true. Sometimes certain things are not meant to happen. When I return home last night at 3, I was hell tired and dizzy so I slept. I didn't even bother to change or check my phone but when I woke up 4 p.m. this afternoon, I realised I had 30 missed calls from Natasha. Generally, my phone is not on silent because of some emergency calls but I don't remember when I kept it on silent. Thank God there were no work calls. There were so many other notifications too but I didn't bother to check at the time but put my phone on charging and walk to the bathroom to take a long and relaxing shower.

As I walked out of the shower my phone started ringing again and it's Natasha again.


"I am sorry Harsh; I am really sorry. I don't know what came over me but these past few days made me realise I don't want to live without an amazing person like you. I know I was being a bitch but all I can do is apologize to you. Please forgive me and take me back. I promise I will never hurt you and I will even apologize to Tushar. Please baby forgive me." she said all this while crying and to be honest my heart melts a bit because she was is my friend too. So, I said what came to my mind.

"Okay! Will meet you tomorrow. Stop crying. I need to go." I hung up without hearing her reply.

My phone dings and I snap back to reality.

Well, she is smart then.

Smart mouth, interesting. She is typing again. Initially I don't know why I accepted her request because I don't talk to random people and the reason is simple, I don't even have time to breathe sometimes. And the second thing I don't know is why I asked her about being single which she really much ignored calling me 'too straight-forward'. Maybe I asked her out of general curiosity because I am 28 and people younger than me are having kids which makes me a bit envious. But just because of my envy or jealousy I can't get married because without love, marriage doesn't make any sense to me.

I don't know how it is related to you being 28 but yeah, I am single.

She replied marking my previous message 'are you single'. I don't know what to reply because I am not a fan of online chatting, I like to meet people in personal and observe their aura and expressions to know them better. So, I just replied with an okay.

Why your girlfriend doesnt want to get married?

Can I blame her for asking me a personal question? No, because I was the one who started it.

She doesn't believe in love and marriages.

Well, can't blame her. (Shrug emoji)
Everyone has a different perspective on love maybe she has her own perspective.

My eyebrows knitted together at that text.

And what is your perspective?

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