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22 AUGUST 20xx,

"I hate you."

"You are the reason I lost everything."

"I-- I hate...... you! I hate you Doctor Ajeeb." She cried.

My eyes snap open and I jerk up from the bed. "Fuck!" I palm my forehead and look around me in the dark room. My eyes landed on Tushar sleeping beside me soundly. It was a nightmare. Again. It is the fourth time I have had the same nightmare. Removing the sheets from my body, I stand from the bed and walk towards the balcony. I slide the glass door open silently and instantly the cold breeze hits my bare chest. It's drizzling. Holding the railing with both my hands, I look up at the dark sky. My heartbeat is still not calm. I don't understand why I'm getting this nightmare again and again. Is it a sign for something I'm not understanding? I close my eyes thinking about all the encounters we had. And came up with one conclusion. She hates me. Every time we were together, either she was ignoring me or looking at me with anger. How am I supposed to change this? First of all, how am I supposed to find out the reason for her hatred? Is the reason what I'm seeing in my nightmares or is she really hiding something just like Tushar said? I don't understand this girl. I wish I could ask her directly but as much as I got to know about her. If I'm going to propose to her directly she will shove the first thing that comes in her hand to my face. And most importantly how I'm going to explain to her? What will I say?

"Hey Little Vixen! I feel something for you. Don't ask me what this 'something' is because I haven't figured it out yet myself. I just want to say I like your smart mouth and your body but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I like to touch you but I don't want to fuck you only for once. I want to make you mine but I'm not sure if I love you or not." I cringe at the thought of saying this to her. I can imagine her confused face if I'm going to say this because to be honest I'm confused myself. Why are my feelings so jumbled for this woman? I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to look in the darkness. As if someone will jump out from there and answer all my questions.

My eyes roamed around and went to the room next door only to find the woman who is the reason for my sleepless nights, sleeping on a chair? What the hell? Why is she here? Did Diya kick her out? Huh? I walk towards her. There is a small gap between both the balconies. She is curled up on a chair while keeping her legs on the other. Her red t-shirt barely reaches her knees. My first instinct is to pick her up and place her in bed but I don't want to disturb her sleep. I don't know the reason for her sleeping here but I don't want to disturb her and definitely don't want to touch her after what I did in the morning. I walk inside only, to be back with a spare blanket. I keep the blanket on the brick railing and without making a sound I jump on her balcony. She stirs a little and I seize my movement. While waiting for her to settle down I admire her soft features as she is facing me. She indeed is beautiful in the moonlight. I move towards her when she doesn't move again. Tucking the strand of hair behind her ear, I fight the urge to kiss the frown on her forehead. Her nose and cheeks are rosy because of the cold breeze. I notice dried stains of tears on her cheek. Was she crying? But why? She stirs again. (I think she is a light sleeper. Better move from here Harsh before she gets up.) I tuck her in the blanket and she snuggles more into the pillow under her head. Plucking out her one earphone softly from her ears, I put them back in the case before walking back to my balcony. Before I enter my room, I turn around to give her a last glance. A small smile formed on my lips looking at her innocent sleeping face.

"Good night Little Vixen."


23 AUGUST 20xx,

"So you mean to say that you were reading the whole night?" I nod my head amused by his shocked features. "Like really you were reading romance?" I nod again letting out a low chuckle. "Freaking hell." Tushar huffs slapping his thigh and sagging back into the beach chair near the pool. I laugh at his reaction.

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