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12 February 20xx,

Are you sure this is a good idea? I think we should unsend the request.

I texted Smriti for the 10th time since afternoon, as we both are back to our houses. Okay let me rewind for you what had happened. SMRITI had an Instagram fake account with a name 'ISHITA'. God knows what happened but when we had checked his account, he made it private after 10 minutes. So, sent him the request from that I'd in morning near 11 but it's 8 p.m. now and there is no response. I guess he will not accept and deep down I am happy because it's important for me to keep my distance from him. Well, SMRITI was hell bent for me to send him a request from my account but I don't want him take me as a desperate girl and to be honest I am a bit scared that he will tell Badi mumma or Hardik. They need a reason to create drama and the last thing I want is to face a family drama over a man. SMRITI even sent him a request from her account as well, I don't know why?

Stop it di, why you are so afraid of him? It's not like he will figure it out.

She replied with a shrug emoji. I bit my lips (a bad habit) while texting her.

I am not afraid of anyone okay. It's just I am not sure about this whole thing.

Truth to be told I am scared that how it will all end, but nothing affects me anymore. I wish he is like every idiot doctor I met in the hospitals so, at least I will have a reason to not like him. But the small part of me screams for all of it to work out in favour of both of us because honestly, I had no feelings for anyone since that incident. It's been 6 fucking years. I thought I will never be able to feel anything towards anyone after that but I felt something when my eyes met with those dark brown eyes of his. A weird connection, I really felt a deep and weird connection. When I saw him, I don't know how but in that mere moment I know I trust him maybe more than myself and it scares me to the core as I don't trust people. God knows what that connection is or maybe I am getting insane. I snap back to reality when my phone dings.

Login the I'd now.

Why? What happened?

Can you please listen to me for once without being the CDI officer?

This text from SMRITI made my lips twitch but I supress my smile. I barely smile or laugh when I am alone because why pull on an act when you have no audience? Right now, I am sitting in living room while Mummy is preparing food in kitchen. I didn't bother to reply her instead I found the password and username she texted me earlier and login into the account. The second it logged in I can see the first video on the feed and my eyes widened. It is a video of an operation theatre? My lips turned slightly upward at the cute video. The person holding the camera blurs the background but the OT is easily recognised then a thumb covered with gloves appeared in frame like a person is walking. The only thing cute in that video was the cartoon character drawn on the glove covered thumb with blue pen. Lol! This person must be bored as fuck. My eyes went to the caption which says 'duty of an anaesthesiologist in OT' "anethei- what the fuck is this word? I can't even pronounce it" I mutter under my breath. After checking the post, I finally read the name and my eyes stuck to that name. He accepted. Wow unexpected. But now what? I open my WhatsApp and sent a quick text to SMRITI.

Now what? He accepted.

I know he accepted that's why I told you to login. And what is with 'now what?' just text him.

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