21 days

25 3 9


20 August 20xx


I sighed, grinning like a fool and repeating the exact words again and again in my mind. I can't help the smile that is plastered on my face since I got to know about these upcoming 21 days. The days that will change everything. Either for the best or the worst. I grab one of my shirts and hold one cuff in my right hand whereas keep the other sleeve of it on my left shoulder while swaying like I'm dancing with someone. I sing the song that has been playing in my mind since morning.

Udta.. hi phiru, Inn hawaao mein kahi. I swayed with the shirt imaging the woman who corrupted my mind.

Ya main jhul jaau, Inn ghataao mein kahi. I spin the shirt above my head and throw it somewhere in the room.

Ek kar doon aasman.. aur zameen. I raise my hand in the air gesturing from my ceiling to the floor. All while grinning like an idiot.

Kaho yaaro kya karu.. kya nahi. I shrug my shoulders asking imaginary people this question and twirl around in the room only to find my mother standing in the doorway who is holding her laughter. My smile dropped and I scratched the back of my neck while looking anywhere but not her in embarrassment.

"Umm.. Mumma I was just packing the stuff. You know...umm for the wedding. Do you think I should pack this shirt?" I said hurriedly showing my mother the random cloth that comes to my hand. She laughed while shaking her head.

"Yes of course you should pack this bedsheet." She said in between her laughter and I can't help but look at the cloth that is actually a bedsheet in my hand. Cursing myself under my breath I drop the fabric on the bed and look at the ground, not knowing what to say.

"Anyways I came here to give you this." She gave me a medium size box. My eyes move from the box to her then again to the box in utter confusion.

"What is it?" I ask her, taking the box from her hands.

"Well, Daljeet told me to give you this." She said with a mischievous smile and it hit me. What the actual fuck? Why did he give it to her? I look up at her while shifting my weight from one foot to another. There is only one woman who can make me flustered and anxious and that is my own mother. I'm always confident with my words but my mother can show me my place well with her jutti sometimes. Giving me one last nod she turned to walk out of the room without another word but stopped in the doorway.

"You have a great choice, son." She said without turning but I can hear the smile in her voice. I know she is not talking about the thing in my hand. But the important question is how does she even know? Was I that obvious?

"And next time I would suggest, make sure to not pick up a call when you are talking about something or rather.................. 'someone'." She said 'someone' after a pause and dragged the word a little. I look at her when she walks out still in confusion. After she left I looked down at the box racking my mind to find what she was talking about but when nothing came up, I shrugged my shoulders and kept the box on the bed. Walking towards the door I lock the door before opening the box and smile at the content.


21 AUGUST 20xx,

I look down at my watch waiting for the bus to arrive. Taking a deep breath I check my black sweatpants and black tshirt once again before running a hand through my already messy hairs. I never check my clothes before wearing them because I simply don't care what I wear but today I especially ironed the t-shirt I'm wearing and put some gel in my hair so I look a bit presentable to her. At least she will notice me in all my black attire. Hopefully. Probably. Maybe. Please.
Tushar suggested that I wear black because he said it is the weakness of every girl to see a man in black so I wore it without another thought and to be honest I look good.

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