40 3 53


26 AUGUST 20xx,

Slowly I open the glass door and peek inside. No one is there. Good. I silently sneak in and turn around to adjust the curtains on the door. I leave a good distance between both the curtains so I can easily peek when I'm outside. I walk out and leave the sliding door half open so I can easily hear as well. Perfect. Now I just have to wait for them. I can easily hide behind the curtains and nobody will see me hearing their conversation. Fewww.

"You are getting smarter, her Doctor Ajeeb." I whisper while patting my back. Wait! Her Doctor Ajeeb?? I laugh at myself. I'm getting insane day by day but only for her. "What are you doing to me Ilahi?" I smiled looking inside the room. Since the day I realised I love her, I'm not me anymore. I'm hers from that moment. I'm not able to stop the brightest smile on my face. Something just changed or maybe I did. In these last few days when she was admitted I was not able to keep myself away from her. Even though we keep on bickering like school kids. Even though she keeps on glaring at me. Even though she threatened me to wax my eyebrows nth number of times. Even though the doctor kicked me out of her room so he can ask for her condition without me interrupting. I stayed by her side. Not only for her, but for me as well. The feeling of being in love is my most favourite feeling but at the same time it's scary. I'm scared that she will not reciprocate these feelings. I'm scared she will reject me. Most importantly I'm scared if there is someone else in her life.

My internal monologue breaks when I feel some moment in the room and I hide behind the curtain to peek inside. My breath hitched, my eyes widened and my mouth parted when the reason for my thoughts, walk outside the bathroom while patting her hair dry. She looks breathtakingly gorgeous with her curls wet from the shower. Her oversize grey tshirt clings to her chest as there are some wet spots on it. Her eyes look distant as if her mind is racing far away. She throws the wet towel on the bed and cringes at that before smiling to herself a little and walking in front of the mirror. All the while I couldn't move my eyes from her. I didn't even blink my eyes. Since I realised I had fallen for this woman, she looks a little more beautiful to me. A little more innocent. A little more gorgeous. Her eyes look a little more chocolaty. Her moles look a little more fascinating. She looks a little more mine. And for me I look all over hers. Even when I look at myself in the mirror, I don't find Harsh standing there. I found her Doctor Ajeeb standing there. I know I'm so so so deep in this and I have to tell her how much she means to me as soon as possible. Of course before I lose my mind completely. With her hands in her hair she started untangling them. I can't resist the urge to touch her soft hair anymore so I just storm inside the room.


The biggest one.

But who cares.

Her shocked eyes moved up to mine but I didn't give her much of the time to react as I wrapped my hand around her waist. I pull her flushed against me and to balance herself her hand instantly comes to my shoulder, clutching my t-shirt. Her neck craned backwards as she looked at me with parted lips and wide eyes.

"Wh-- She audibly gulps before starting again. "What are you doing?" Her voice is a mere whisper. My eyes moved between her eyes and lips for a moment but then I settled them on her chocolate brown orbs. Because of the sunlight her eyes look more like a honey pool than chocolate but it doesn't matter which colour it looks. I will still drown in their beauty.

"Just looking at the most beautiful thing God created." I replied without a hesitation in my voice and brushed a few wet strands away from her cheeks before tucking them behind her ear. She indeed is the most beautiful creation of God. And I don't know how to Thank you Babaji for creating her. She blushed hard and looked down at my chest. I tighten my hold on her waist and pull her more to me if that is even possible, till she stands on her tip toes and our lips are just an inch away. Our chests tightly pressed together and move up and down in sync.

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