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21 AUGUST 20xx

She is not breathing.

My breathing is coming out short and deep.

Our chests are pressed together.

I can feel her heart beating wildly.

None of us moved but stayed pressed against each other.

Want to know how we end up in a situation like this?


Few moments back

As I look at the woman who is in her own world my mind is confused about what she is doing here? Did Diya know she is here? Did they all know and was just messing with me? I can't even decide whether I should move down and confront Diya or sit infront of My Little Vixen and admire her calm and beautiful face. Well, I guess the later option is better. I push my one knee up on the floor of the roof and slowly crawl towards the oblivious person in front of me. Generally I would have walked but the bus is moving at a good speed and I'm in no mood to die this early not before figuring out my feelings for this woman. I reach the foot of her outstretched leg and she is still zoned out. God she is so oblivious to her surroundings which is to be honest dangerous for her own self. I sit on my knees keeping my butt on the heel of my feet and admire the beauty in front of me. I don't even know how many times I just called this woman beautiful in the last 5 minutes but she deserves every single one of them.

From the closure I can notice that is not wearing a single drop of makeup not even a lipstick but her pink lips are shining a little. Maybe she is wearing a lip gloss. Her flawless honey skin is shining in daylight. The way her cheeks and sharp small nose is pink that looks damn cute. I want to poke her cute round cheeks. I can see a very light mole at the edge of her left eye because she is not wearing her glasses. How can I just notice such small things about a person? And how the hell can I get turned on by a few moles? I can't get enough of her beauty and simplicity. And definitely that damn moles on her face, especially the one in the middle of her throat. I want to kiss all of them. Hell! bite all of them.

Such a pervert.

My subconsciousness shakes his head at me. Right I need to divert my mind or else I will have a trouble in my pants. It's not like I'm not facing it right now.

An idea pop in my mind which is definitely illegal but to be honest who cares? I take out my phone from the pocket and shift my body higher than her a little. Still sitting on my knees I click her photo. One more. Five more. God knows how many. Then one from another angle. I'm not a good photographer but the photos I clicked of her are mesmerizing. Maybe it's her beauty that makes a simple photo beautiful. Her brows furrow together as if she felt my presence and instantly I keep my phone back in my pocket. The last thing I want is my Iphone end up on the road. Broken.

I look at her curiously and suddenly her eyes snap open and instantly found mine. She looks at me with wide and shocked eyes. Her mouth falls open then she closes it again then again opens it to say something but before the words come out the bus stops with a jerk. The force of it was too strong that made me fall forward directly on my woman. My hands instinctively touch the floor behind her just near her hands to stable myself and my head fall in the crook of her neck. My body slid further towards her such that my outer knees touch her inner thighs. She stopped breathing and so did I. My chest is tightly pressed to hers that I can feel both of our hearts skipping a beat together. Then another. Then once again. I inhale sharply and her familiar scent fills my nostrils. She smells like honey and coffee just like the last time and something I don't know. Something which feels like her. Which feels like comfort and my heart instantly feels at peace. I want to sniff her like a freaking dog till I start smelling like her. I can stay like this forever. In her arms. Tightly pressed together. Inhaling her scent. Heart beating together in a perfect sync. I took another deep breath to inhale her intoxicating scent.

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