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22 AUGUST 20xx,

Reverting to the last mail, I let out a deep sigh and keep the laptop back in the bag before leaving it on the table. I take out the work phone from my bag and check some messages. I replied to the important ones and left some spam messages on seen. One message caught my attention and I immediately sent it to my personal number and kept the phone on charge. Finding my personal phone in the pocket of my red long t-shirt that ends below my knees, I take it out and set the reminder for the meeting I'm having in the upcoming week. It's a video chat with a few foreign suppliers. Niraj is going to introduce me to them so that it will be easy for me to deal with them when I will be handling the business. Just because I'm here doesn't mean I'm free to do anything. To be honest I'm nervous about the meeting as it is my first meeting as an official Interim CEO. I'm nervous about the work too but I know I can do it. I have to do it because I have no option. I had already signed the papers. And I will be an idiot to deny 3 lakh rupees per month by backing out from this job. Honestly the money is more than I could ever expect but it's not enough. I need to work harder to attain my goal. This job is going to be so demanding but I know I will have to do it if I want to fulfill my dream. I dropped a quick message to mummy, 'I'm back in the hotel and had dinner. Take care. Call me if you need anything.' And keep my personal phone on charging as well. My equation with mummy changed drastically after papa left. For a moment it feels like we are so close and I can share everything with her but for another moment it feels like there is a hell distance between us. She complains that I changed after him. I stopped reacting to many things. She thinks I hide my emotions from her because she is ill but the truth is I don't feel a thing. I'm neither happy nor sad. There is nothing in my heart. I sigh again for the nth time and walk to the bed, picking up the book I was reading. At least I have something which makes me forget the problems in this real world.

Six months later.........


I yawn finishing the epilogue I was reading. Another happy ending. Keeping the book at the night stand I lay on my stomach keeping both my arms under my head. I don't know how some people read a whole 400 or 500 page book in a day. I can't and can never. It's a lot for me. Maybe I'm not a bookworm like others but for me reading is not just an escape it's about the happy endings. Some people think fictional characters are myth. Especially fictional men. Maybe they are but for me a happy ending is a myth. Even if we end up with the person we love there is no happy ending. Eventually they will leave you one day or maybe you will leave them. We can't stay with someone forever. There is no forever so why make relationships now? What's the point of being with someone when they can't even stay forever. I heard the door creak open breaking my thoughts and immediately I pull the sheets up to my face. I know it must be Diya di and I don't want to face her right now. Maybe I will talk to her in the morning.

"Maybe she was just too tired to sleep. Talk to her in the morning. Good night love." I think it's Daljeet's voice.

"Humm, Good night." After a second comes a weird voice. Wait! Are they both kissing? Ewww. Gross. I roll my eyes and then the voice of the door opening and closing is heard. I heard another door open and close and peek out. She is in bathroom. I throw the sheets off me and grab my phone before laying back but this time facing the balcony door and cover myself. I pluck in one airpod and open my Instagram and start scrolling out of boredom because I know sleep is far far away from me. It's 1 a.m.and there is still no trace of sleep. I heard the door open and after a moment the bed beside me dipped a little. We didn't talk when we were returning because I chose to sit in the front seat, alone. I could feel the glare of everyone on me but chose to ignore and ran the second the bus stopped at the resort. I even skipped dinner because I don't want to face anyone. Not until my mind is clear.

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