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21 JULY 20xx,

"And then she ignored him like he doesn't even exist." Jeet said from my right and they both burst into another fit of laughter. I'm sitting in between Daljeet and Tushar on Daljeet's bed in his room and from the last 15 minutes they are continuously teasing me. Jeet is narrating the way Ilahi ignored me. I try to move again from between them but both of them hold my each shoulder and pull me back.

"Where are you going? Doctor Sandhu." Tushar mocks from my left. I groan at their childish behaviour.

"Let him go Tushar. He must be going to find his Little Vixen." Jeet teases and they again chuckle. It's not a lie afterall. It's been 20 minutes I had last seen her in the corridor. Neither she was in the kitchen nor she was here in the room when I walk inside.

"For you she is Ms Ilahi or sister." I said greeting my teeth.

"I can imagine him wearing a collar in his neck and walk behind her like a lost puppy. I haven't met her yet but I like her for whiping his ass." Tushar laughed a bit harder this time ignoring my words and gain some attention. Ilahi's cousin Sameer is sitting on the couch that is across the bed, busy in his phone. Ayush, Hardik and Jaspreet (Daljeet's cousin) are sitting on 3 seater sofa discussing about sports. And now all of thier attention is on Tushar who is laughing unaware of the weird stares he is getting. I poke his stomach with my elbow hard enough to make him winch at the contact and he looks at me with murderous glare before following my line of gaze.

"Oh Hey!" He said awkwardly running a hand through his hairs and smile innocently at the people looking at him. Everyone burst in laughter looking at the innocent face he made. But my laughter died when I heard a high pitch voice.

"Hii! Harsh." I mentally groan.

"Hey! Muskan" I force out of my mouth with a fake smile looking at the girl standing in the doorway with my sister and niece. I hear a scoff and a groan from my side. At least I'm not the only one feeling irritated. She is wearing a blue crop top with black jeans. She walks near the bed and sits on the edge in front of Tushar and Ritika moves around the room and sits on the bed in front of Daljeet. Ritika helps Pihu to climb the bed and my little angel jumps in my lap.

"Where is Diya and Ilahi?" Ritika asked no one in particular. Not only My Little Vixen is missing but her sister is also missing from last 20 minutes. Before any of us can reply, Muskan interrupted us.

"Ilahi? What is she doing here?" Did she know her? How? I open my mouth to ask the same but before any word came out all our heads turn to Diya who is stroming inside the room furiously. She stops at the edge of the bed near Muskan and glare at Daljeet. If looks can kill my friend will be ten feet deep inside the earth. Ilahi comes jogging behind her sister looking at her worriedly. She scanned the room and her eyes landed on me. Instantly her expression changes from worried to neutral. Her face hardend and she clench her jaw in anger. Shit! I think I pushed her too far by saying I will kiss her. Damn Harsh! Fool! Idiot! Pervert!

"You creep! You pervert! What the fuck do you think you were doing? Do you think you can cheat on me? And that also with my own cousin? And don't you dare deny it, Ilahi never lie. You think you can flirt with her and she will not tell me." Diya screams on the top of her lungs. I swear her voice could be heard to the whole town. Everyone looks at her in shock. I pass Pihu to Ritika and gesture her to take her out. She picks up her daughter and closes the door behind her back before leaving. Daljeet rushes to Diya in panic.

"Why are you saying this? I haven't done anything. Ilahi what the hell is all this?" He said looking at Ilahi who looks like she had seen a ghost. What the fuck? Why this girl lied? I swear if she is doing it purposely I'm not going to spare her. I like her or not but I love my best friend and no one can hurt him. Not even the girl I'm probably falling for.

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