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31 AUGUST 20xx,

My head is bursting and my throat is dry like I eat sand in dinner. Wait! I didn't have any dinner. Great. I try to blink my eyes to come back to consciousness. Why does it feel like I was not sleeping but temporarily dead for a while. "Fuck!" I whisper as the pain in my head is getting worse with every passing second. I try to move but feel an arm wrapped around my waist. Great! Diya di is cuddling with me again. I mean I know I'm soft and a little fluffy but I'm not a teddy bear she wants to always cuddle with. I don't even know how did I slept for this long while she is holding me this tightly. I move my hand down to her arm to remove it softly but it was more of a muscular arm than her small one. That is the very moment I realised my head is not on a pillow but someone's chest. BARE CHEST. What the fuck? My eyes snap open widely as I turn to look down at a very defined tan chest. Who the hell is he? And what the hell happened last night that I ended up like this? I reluctantly move my eyes up from his chest to his neck to his lips then his face and my wide eyes widened even more when they landed on a smirking Harsh. He looks at me like I'm the only person he wants to see. Wait! Did we just? We just had sex? He took my virginity? No! No! FUCKING NO! But everything around me are against my No's. He is laying bare under me. There are a few small scratches on his neck and shoulder blade. My upper half is above him and my leg is wrapped around his waist. I look down at myself and realised I'm not wearing that dress anymore. I'm wearing a loose black t-shirt and it doesn't take a mind of the Einstein to understand that it is his t-shirt. So, it means we indeed had sex last night. What the actual fuck? Ugh!!!! No.

"W-ha-t happ----en--d la--s-t nigh-t?" I forced out of my dry throat. It's hurt to speak. I don't have a strength to look in his eyes so I keep on looking at his neck, to be exact at the mark, maybe I left.

"Something I never expected. We never expected." He said and grin widely at me. He tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear and I realised they are still a little wet. "God! Little Vixen you were wild last night." He teased further and tears form at the edge of my eyes. Why can't I remember anything? Let me just rewind what I remember. I went to the irritating party. I was having a drink when he proposed to Muskan in front of everyone and sang a song for her. I broke the glass in anger. I ran out of there in the rain. My head was dizzy but I didn't stop until I was in the park. But what after that? I clearly remember I was in the park and maybe I was dancing in the rain while crying to lighten my heart. But how the fuck I ended up here? How did her find me? And the most important thing. Why he is here with me when he should be with Muskan. Ugh! My head hurts even more now. I can feel his glare on face but I ignored him as Muskan's words ring in my head.

'He just wants to fuck you.'

'What will you do when he will be done with your pathetic self?'

'You belong to me Harsh.'

'She is just a liar.'

Fuck! No! No! No! Consensual or Non consensual. It was a fucking mistake. How did I agree to this? What brings me here? Did he rape me? Yes he did otherwise I would have never said a yes after what I heard. A tear fall down from my eye unintentionally. And his hand instantly comes to cup my cheek so he could look at me.

"What's wro- "HOW DARE YOU?" I screamed in his face before dragging my body away from him. It hurts but still I try to stand when noticed him holding my hand. I jerk his hand away while he looks at me dumbstruck. He looks at me then at his hand and his eyes widened for some reason.

"Is your hand bleeding?" He asks and sit up. I forced myself to not look at his chest and biceps.

"It's non of your fucking business." I said and stand up from the bed. The second I put my feet on the floor, I felt dizziness and almost lost my balance. He immediately stands on his feet and extend his hand to me but I raised my hand between us. "Stay away from me." I forced out the words as I try to hard to not break down in front of him. Hurt flashes his eyes but I don't care. I look down and realised I'm not wearing any lower but what's the point of hiding myself now? When he had already seen everything. How dare he did this to me? Why I can't remember a single thing?

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