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21 AUGUST 20xx,

I look at My Little Vixen's retreating figure with wide eyes. Fuck! How can a person be so innocent and so fierce at the same time? She definitely knows how to put people in their place. This girl will be the death of mine and my weird self will enjoy every second of it.

"Are you really going to swallow the whole thing at once?" Tushar said pointing to the burger she just shoved in my mouth and laughed harder. Giving her perfect round ass a last glance I glare at my best friend and pull the burger out of my mouth. Free tip guys never. I repeat NEVER feed your girl something she doesn't like.

"You fucker, how dare you flirt with her?" I said through greeted teeth. He raises his hands in mock innocence.

"Hey! I was not flirting. I was just offering her something to eat and it's definitely not my fault that she loves what I offer her." He shrugs and continues, "And by the way if I flirt with her once, it will be over for you all." He smirks and I throw the spoon at him which he easily ducks while laughing. Somehow I know he is right. I don't stand a chance in front of him in flirting and the way Ilahi smiles and laugh at his words I have no chance with her if he is in the league. But can I ignore my feelings for her if my best friend wants her? I know Tushar will never steal my girl from me. We are more than that and we trust each other but what if he really starts liking her? And most importantly if she likes him? The way she behaves with me and with him are totally opposite. She never leaves a chance to ignore or insult me but him. She even laughed at his jokes and let him feed her and even share food with him. Fuck! I don't know what to make of this whole situation. Before I could open my mouth to ask him what is going on between them, I heard a voice from my left.

"That bitch, how dare she? And you Harsh. Why are you still discussing about her? Can't you both see that she only wants attention? She is always like this, even in school she tried to steal my boyfriend from me and now she is playing with you both with her fake innocence. She is a damn attention slut." Muskan spit out the words crossing her arms around her chest. I close my eyes and took a deep breath to calm my raising anger. Opening my eyes again I speak,

"Muskan I don't care what past do you both have but you will never talk about her like that again." I said in a dangerously low voice that can make devil piss in his pants. She looks at me like I offend her.

"Why she is so special for you? Oh god I can't believe you are falling into her trap. Common Harsh you are smarter than this. She doesn't deserve your att-

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD ABOUT MY WOMAN OR I WILL FORGET THAT YOU ARE A GIRL AND CROSS THE LIMITS WE BOTH REGRET!" My voice booms in the whole restaurant. Everyone is looking at me but I don't give a damn about them. This is the first time I shout at a woman but well, she deserves it. No one can disrespect my woman like that. I don't care what Ilahi feels for Tushar or what he feels for her but I will always have her back. My feelings for her is still unknown but they ruined me and fixed me at the same time. And the last thing I will tolerate is shit that is coming out of some jealous person. Without wasting my time I raise from my seat and pick up the burger and snatch the coffee from Tushar and walk towards the gate.

"Bring her with you. As much as I want her to be left here, she is our responsibility." I walked out of the MCD after telling Tushar to bring Muskan with him. It was easy for me to spot the bus and by the way our suitcases are covered in thick plastic sheets I can tell My Little Vixen is not sitting on the roof because it is about to rain so I just climb the stairs of the bus. Scanning the small bus I found My woman sitting in the very last seat. Daljeet and Diya are sitting in the seat infront of her and both of their necks are turned in her direction. The last seat is 3 seater and both the other seats beside hers are empty. The way her lips are moving and a small blush is on her face, I can tell they are talking about something which makes her feel shy. Somebody poke my ass and I don't need to look behind to know who has a nerve to do that. I walk directly towards her and her eyes move up to loot at me. She scanned my whole body before moving her eyes to my lips and lick hers. It takes a lot of self control to not storm towards her and lick her plump lips like a freaking dog. Tushar's words ring in my head, 'I can see him following her like a freaking dog with a leash in his neck.' Fuck! What is this woman doing to me? I'm turning into a pervert dog. I walk all the way to the end and her eyes never left my face. Sitting right beside her I pass her the coffee and she took it without a protest. My thigh touched hers when I spread my legs a little and she instantly stiffened. Her familiar scent filled my senses calming the anger I was feeling.

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