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24 AUGUST 20xx,


"Yes your husband Doctor Harsh Sandhu right? Why did you both have the same reaction?" The doctor laughed and his dimple popped. He is kinda cute and his green eyes are the darkest shade I have ever seen. But his words made me confused and at the same time something fluttered in me. Harsh and my husband? Is this doctor high on something? I looked at my right and found Harsh looking down at me with a flabbergasted expression and it hit me. He did a blunder and I will kill him for that. His eyes widened when he noticed me giving him a death glare but the doctor's words brought my attention back to him.

"So Mrs. Ilahi, How are you feeling now?" He said and the nurse comes to my right side before making me wear the band to check my blood pressure.

"Exhausted. Weak. Tired. Hurt." I said the words not caring to explain any. I don't want to speak right now. All I want to do is stab the man standing beside my bed and sleep for 10 to 15 hours.

"Well that's expected. Is there something specific that is hurting more than everything?" He asks and removes the stethoscope from his neck before wearing the buds in his ears.

"My head and back." I replied and he kept the round thing of the stethoscope on my heart. I look somewhere else except him and try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling I'm having while he is touching me. I know it's his profession but still I'm not comfortable with anyone touching me. Especially a man touching me.

"Inhale." The doctor instructed and I inhaled deeply before exhaling through my nose when he told me too. He made me do this 5 to 6 times and the round thing continuously moved from my chest to the collarbone.

"Doctor 90/50." The nurse said from my right and I noticed Dr Ajeeb looking at the blood pressure machine over her head before shaking his head in disappointment.

"Well, her blood pressure is continuously low." The doctor said looking at the drip and increasing the speed of the dropping glucose.

"I generally have low blood pressure." I said casually. He looks back at me then at Harsh.

"That was not written in her case history?" It was a question that came out of his mouth instead of a statement.

"Actually her sister gave her case history and at that time she was stressed so maybe it skipped from her mind." Harsh said but he sounds like he is lying.

"I hope as a doctor's wife , you know that changing your lifestyle has to be the priority for hypotension, before prescribing a medicine." Can he please stop calling me his wife? Every time he says that word, something flutters in my heart and I hate that feeling. Ugh! I nod my head.

"I will take care of her from now on." My so-called husband said, like he genuinely cares for me. I don't even know why he is pretending to be my husband. What is the need of all this drama? And is the doctor uneducated to not read Miss in front of my name in the admission form? Or did they just lie about that also? Most important question, why I'm not correcting him?

"Her vitals are better but she still needs proper bed rest for a while." He said looking at Harsh. His gaze turned to me again and he smiled. No doubt his dimple is cute. Well, he is cute and handsome but the man standing beside me is something that made my heart melt. I don't think any man will ever be attractive in my eyes after I met the most beautiful man to ever exist. And when he smiles it feels like my world is melting. I'm melting. Something just happens to my heart when he is near me. The doctor stands up from his seat and nods in the nurse's direction. Before he could leave I asked him something I really wanted to ask since he came in here.

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