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26 AUGUST 20xx,

He wants to use me for his pleasure.

She mentioned my ex.

He belongs to her.

Her image flashed in front of my eyes when she was in my arms while I was taking her to the hospital, almost lifeless.

When she got the panic attack after getting consciousness.

When she was scared of the injection.

The pain that flashed her eyes when she took the first step after the doctor allowed her home.

Her face, when she was in the hospital came to my mind making me bang my hand harshly on the door. I can feel anger coursing through my veins. How dare she hurt My woman? I bang my fist again without caring about the passing people looking at me weirdly. The second Muskan opens the door I storm inside and push the door so hard that it bangs in the wall. She instantly backs away from the door so she will not get hurt. If it's up to me I would have banged that door in her face.

"What the hell Harsh?" She screamed. She scanned my face and fear flickered her eyes.

"That's what I should ask you Muskan." I said in a calm tone but I'm anything but calm. Nervousness flickers her eyes and she tuck a strand behind her ear.

" she gulped. "What are you talking about?" The audacity she has to ask me this while looking in my eyes. I took a step towards her and she instantly backed away. The fear in her yes. The sweat on her forehead. Her shaking hands are proof that she knows why I'm here.

"How dare you hurt her Muskan?" I said through gritted teeth and kept on walking towards her till her back hit the wall. Her god knows how long heels are doing nothing for her height, I still stand tall and she has to crane her neck to meet her frightened grey eyes with mine.

"Whom are you talking about? I never hurt anyone?" She said in a low and scared voice and gulped again. I chuckled without any humour and she straightened her back in fear.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE LIE TO ME." I said in a loud voice and raised my hand. Her breath picked up as she realised what I was doing and she turned her head to the side. She jumped a little when I punched the wall inches away from her face. I will never hit a woman.

Not in any case because if I did it once, my mother and my woman both will never forgive me. And above all I will never be able to forgive myself. But this is something Muskan doesn't know and she doesn't even need to know this. She just needs to be scared to even look in Ilahi's way, wrongly.

"Harsh! Harsh please calm down. She is lying to you. I never pushed her. She just pretended to have a panic attack and slipped. She is just trying to feed you lies about me. I promise I never tried to hurt her." Muskan said hastily and I gave her a death glare that made her eyes widened.

"So you knew she was having a panic attack?" I ask in a low tone. I can't believe she is going to be a doctor and instead of controlling Ilahi's panic attack she fuelled it. How low did she stoop to hurt my woman? She trembled with fear and tears form in her eyes but still she had the audacity to lie.

"I said she was pretending. You don't know how dramatic she is. She just fell on her own. Maybe she just needs everyone's attention on her. And Harsh aren't you forgetting, I was the one who rushed the car for her. If I was the culprit, why would I have done that?" She asks and I tilt my head like I'm really considering her fake points. Hope flickers her eyes and she keeps her trembling hands on my shoulders. The audacity she has to touch me. "Believe me Harsh. She is just a manipulating bitch." I clenched my jaw but played along.

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